Music Labels

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A typical day in the life of Lyric Summers also involved awkward co-parenting with Ariana, court appointments and trying to start up a record label with Casen.

"I still think we should sign Alessia Cara," Casen said, spinning in my chair.

"We don't even have a name!" I sighed, pacing my office. The company we worked for had accepted our idea to start our own baby label attached to the one we already worked for, to sign artists who weren't as big as Ariana.

"We can work on that later," Casen said, waving his hand.

"Casen," I sighed, "we can't just contact artists and say, 'Hey, you should sign with us on our label! It doesn't have a name yet, but you should sign anyway!' We'd be laughed at. We have to be serious about this!"

"Lyric, you really have to calm down," Casen said. "We're not gonna get anyone to sign with us because you're such a stressed out, nervous wreck all the time. You're fucking crazy! And I mean that in the nicest way."

"Thanks," I muttered, collapsing in a bean bag in the corner.

"Speaking of crazy," Casen had finally stopped spinning. "When's your next court date?"

"Thursday," I sighed, burying my face in my hands.

"Am I accompanying you again?" He asked in a teasing voice.

"Please," I replied, my voice small. Casen came over and hugged my shoulders comfortingly. "It's gonna be okay," he mumbled in my ear. "Ryan's gonna be locked away for a long time, and you're never going to see him again after that, okay? The nightmares will stop, and you'll be okay."

"Ariana's gonna be at the court date," I murmured. "I'm not going to be okay. Not even a little bit."

"Yes you will," Casen promised. I hoped he was right.


if y'all can give me a good name for casen & lyric's record company, i'll either dedicate a chapter to you, add you as a character in this story or write you a one shot okay?

so the prizes go:

1st place: character in the story, chapter dedicated to you, & a one shot

2nd place: your choice (character or chapter) + a one shot

3rd place: chapter dedication + one shot

are these good prizes? idk. y'all can tell me about better ones y'all think of, okay?

yay, this is gonna be fun

so just comment ur record label name on this chapter & i'll pick

deadline: oct 22nd (I hope that's enough time idk)

thank ya lovelies!


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