Romance Bootcamp

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A/N: if u can find the reference to a certain Disney movie in this chapter u get bonus points

After sleeping for another hour and a half, I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I made myself some breakfast and made a pot of coffee, the enticing smell luring Casen out of my bed.

"Good morning sunshine," I teased.

"Go rot," he replied. I laughed obnoxiously and he whined, holding his head in his hands.

"Who's the guy from the party?" I asked as he poured himself some coffee. Casen froze before slowly turning around. "He wasn't here, was he?" He asked nervously.

"Considering you woke up in my bed, o doubt it," I said. Casen let out a sigh of relief. "How do you even know about him?"

"You asked me for guy advice like, two hours ago," I reminded him. "Come on, what's his name?"

"K-Kai," Casen mumbled after a few minutes.

"Ooh! Tell me more," I said flirtatiously. Casen groaned and held his head in his hands. I laughed and slung my arm across his shoulders.

"Come onnnn," I whined. "Best friends, remember?"

"Fine fine," Casen grumbled, walking over to the couch with his coffee, while I followed giddily. We sat down and Casen pulled out a book from a shelf under the table.

"Kai is this guy I met on my first day of classes," he started, flipping open the book to a bookmarked page, where a younger Casen was standing with a dark haired boy of Spanish descent. The boy was laughing, with an arm around Casen, who looked very sheepish.

"He was always very nice to me," Casen said, smiling a bit at the picture. "They were taking pictures of kids for some book the school was making. They were going to take a picture of Kai, when he spotted me and made me take the picture with him. I guess we're kind of friends. I don't know. All I know is he's really smart and he's super cute, and i want to like, talk to him, but I don't know how."

"Then we are going to work on your flirting skills," I said. "Romance Bootcamp. Are you ready?"

"Not now," Casen whined. I tugged on his arm and said, "Yes! Come on, go take a shower and freshen up. I wanna see how you act around Kai."

"Lyric!" Casen whined again. "I'm hungover and gross. No."

"Come on!" I cried. "All the time I've known you I've never seen you in any sort of relationship. As your best friend, I'm going to help you get your man."

"That was so weird," Casen mumbled, getting off the couch and trudging into the bathroom. I clapped happily and ran to my room to get dressed.

Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting at a table on Casen's campus, sunglasses on as I watched him awkwardly approach Kai. Kai smiled brightly when he saw Casen, and the two of them began to talk. Kai was very animated, waving his hands and bouncing up and down. Casen, on the other hand, was more reserved.

Eventually, their conversation ended and Casen walked over to me.

"What'd you guys talk about?" I asked him.

"The party last night," Casen replied. "He told me all he remembers is something about pink jelly."

"Okay, weird," I said. "You have to work on your flirting skills, by the way."

"I know," he mumbled. I looped my arm with his and we walked back to my car.

"Are you ready to practice?" I asked excitedly, turning my car on.

"I need dunkin donuts first," Casen sighed, holding his head in his hands. I laughed and began the drive to dunkin.

I'm awful ok I'm so sorry I don't expect u to forgive me. it's just that the holidays are a rlly rough time for me, so I never want to write much. I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry pls don't throw stones at me

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