Break up With Your Girlfriend

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*Ariana's P.O.V*

After court, I went back to Lyric and Casen's to pick up my car before going home. I had a lot to think about. I needed to break up with Sean, that much I knew. But, how? That was the tricky part. As terrible as it was, I hadn't been putting 100% into our relationship, and we both knew that. 

When I pulled up to my house, I saw Sean's car in the driveway, and my heart dropped. I wasn't ready for this yet. But now, I had to be.

I parked my car and got out, walking over to find Sean sitting on my front porch. 

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. 

"Where have you been?" He countered, standing up and folding his arms over his chest. 

"I had court today," I reminded him. 

"At 12. What about before that?" Sean asked. "Because, I came here this morning for our breakfast plans. And you weren't here."

"I'm sorry, I forgot," I sighed, tugging on the end of my ponytail. 

"Yeah, well, I got here at 7. So, where could you have gone before 7 am that you're just getting back now?" 

"When did you turn into a cop?" I snapped, feeling very defensive. 

"Just tell me you were with her," Sean sighed, running his hand over his head. 

"With who?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Ari!" Sean exploded. "Everybody in the god damn world knows you're still in love with Lyric, that you'll always be in love with Lyric!" 

"You don't need to shout, I have neighbours," I reminded him. He groaned and snapped, "Don't change the fucking subject. Tell me the truth, Ariana. Please. That's all I ask." 

After a moment's hesitation, I sighed and mumbled, "Lyric called me in a panic last night. She was afraid Ryan was going to break out and come after me, so I slept on her couch to make her feel better. I'm sorry."

"Did you sleep with her?" Sean asked.

"Excuse me?" I gasped.

"Well, I know I didn't leave that hickey on your neck, so who was it?" I reached up and my fingers brushed across a tender spot on my neck, making me wince. I didn't even know it was there.

"Sean, I--"

"Forget it, Ariana," Sean snapped. "I won't be a stand in for a ghost." With that, he stormed off to his car and took off. I sighed and slowly shuffled inside, locking the door behind me and curling up on my couch, laying in the quiet for hours. I didn't move, just sat there, wracked with guilt. Yes, I wanted to break up with Sean, but not like that. So, for hours I sat like that, not moving until my phone started to blow up. The first text I saw was from Frankie, informing me that Sean had removed all photos of me from his instagram and everyone was freaking out about it. Another was from my mom, asking me to call her so she could make sure I was okay. As my phone continued to explode, I felt incredibly overwhelmed and on the verge of tears, until I saw a text from Lyric that simply read: I saw what happened. Company? I smiled, tears still sliding down my cheeks. I texted her back within seconds, saying: Please. 

While I waited for Lyric, I took my hair out of my pony tail and put my sweatpants back on, then sat on the couch and waited. About ten minutes later, I heard a key turn in the lock, and then my favourite sound in the world. "Sorry it took me so long."

"You still have your key?" I asked her, turning around and sniffling. She nodded. "That's why it took me so long. I couldn't find it."

"I would've just let you in," I said, still silently crying. 

"I thought it might make you feel better if I unlocked the door myself and said something cheesy like, 'Honey, I'm home,' ya know?" Lyric asked, closing the door behind her. Before she could say another word, I launched myself off the couch and into her arms. 

"Whoa!" She said, stumbling slightly before balancing herself, arms wrapped around my waist. I cried into her shoulder, sobbing, "Promise you'll never leave me again!"

"I promise, angel, I promise," Lyric said, her voice sweet like honey. She picked me up and carried me over to the couch, sitting down with me on her lap. 

"How bad was it?" Lyric asked after a few minutes of silence. 

"He said everyone knew that I had been in love with you the whole time and that he wouldn't be a stand in for a ghost," I sighed. 

"Ouch," Lyric chuckled. "Harsh."

"This isn't funny, Lyric," I said. 

"Well, consider that I never liked him and have missed you since the day I said goodbye." My heart skipped several beats at that sentence, and I just snuggled closer to her. 

"I love you, Lyric Summers."

"I love you too, Ariana Grande-Butera."

"Will you stay with me?"

"You do realise how bad it will look for your image if I'm spotted leaving this house less than a day after you and Sean broke up, right?" Lyric asked.

"Fuck my image, you're the only thing I care about right now." I kissed her neck gently, making her shake slightly. 

"I don't think Scooter would be too happy about that," Lyric said.

"I still don't care," I snapped. Lyric laughed and kissed the top of my head. "Okay, Ari."

My phone continued to buzz, and soon Lyric's phone was buzzing, too. "I think you should call your mom," she said. "She's texting me asking about you." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, okay," I sighed. 

"I'll make dinner," Lyric said, standing up after I slid off her lap. I took my phone and walked to the other room to call my mom, but stopped and smiled as I listened to Lyric hum in the kitchen as she gathered ingredients to make dinner. I loved her, with all my heart. Then, I called my mom.

"Hi mom. Before you ask, yes, Sean and I broke up, and yes, Lyric and I are finally getting back together. "

"Well, finally! Thank God!"

I laughed, peeking out of the dining room to watch Lyric dance around the kitchen, knowing where everything was despite not being in there for  two years. 

"Thank God indeed."

a/n: a double update ????? is this author's guilt ???????? probably oop enjoy 

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