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a/n: sorry for the lack of updates. pls read the authors note at the end of this chapter, id really appreciate it (:

While I was getting ready with Ariana for court that day, Casen knocked on my door again. 

"Your lawyer just called," he told me. "The court is ordering a DNA test for Micah. We have to bring him with us today."

"No way," I snapped. "We already agreed, the three of us, to not bring Micah into this ever." Which we had. Once Ariana and Casen convinced me to press charges against Ryan, the three of us all said Micah should never be brought into court with us, should never have to see what was going on. He was still innocent. I wanted to preserve that for as long as possible. 

"Lyric, we have to," Ariana said quietly, rubbing my shoulders. "If we can prove that Ryan is Micah's father, it'll be so much easier to lock him away for good."

"Why isn't the physical evidence enough!" I shouted, showing her the faded scar on my hand. The outline of Ryan's mouth was still visible, and every time I looked at it, I heard his words in my head. "Lyric! You can't escape me! I'm coming for you! We'll be together, I swear! We will be a family!"

"Baby, I wish it was," Ariana said, tears forming in her eyes. "I wish the break in was enough. I wish the scar was enough. I wish the police report, the stalking evidence, I wish it was all enough. But Micah could be the one to push this over the edge. Lyric, I know you think you have to be the one to keep us all safe, but what if it's Micah who can do that for us? Doing this won't taint him, or make him any less innocent, and when he grows up, he's going to know about all of this. This is not something we can keep from him. And if he gets to help, it'll make telling him the whole story later on so much easier. I promise." I just looked at her, my lip trembling as the tears in my eyes splashed down my face. 

"I don't want him to get hurt," I whimpered. 

"Then let him help," Ariana said soothingly. I scanned Ariana's face, and I saw the fear. I saw the anxiety. But I also saw the determination. She would never suggest this if she thought it would put Micah in danger. 

"Okay," I finally said, reluctantly. Ariana kissed my cheek while Casen nodded. "I'll get the booger ready," he said before slipping out of my room, closing the door behind him. 

"What if he never forgives me for this?" I asked Ariana when we were alone again. 

"He's going to ask who his father is sooner or later," Ariana replied. "Like I said, it might be easier for him to handle if he gets to help now. Besides, I'm not going to let you tell him alone." 

"I love you," I said abruptly. Ariana stared at me for a moment, clearly shocked. Then, she smiled. "I love you too, Lyric. So much."

"I'm sorry for leaving," I whispered. 

"It's okay," she whispered back, kissing my forehead. "Just promise me you won't leave me again."

"What?" I asked. Ariana smiled and said, "I didn't know what to do with the engagement ring. So, I kept it. In my drawer usually, and I'd always pack it whenever I would fly out of town. I grabbed it last night, before I came here." She pulled a long chain out from under her shirt, with the ring I had proposed to her with hanging on the end of it. 

"But Sean--" 

"Lyric, it was always you," Ariana said, cutting me off. "I've tried to be happy, and Sean is great, but he's not you. Lyric, I miss you. I need you. And I know you need me." She was right. I did need her. 

"I still want to marry you, Ari," I admitted. "I think about it all the time." 

"I have never stopped wanting to marry you, Lyric," Ariana replied. "I have never stopped being in love with you, and it kills me inside to be as in love with you as I am and not be able to have you, to hold you." 

"I fucked up, and I hate that I fucked up, and I'm so fucking sorry," I whispered. I pulled Ariana into my arms and held her tightly to my chest. 

"Don't ever let me go again," Ariana whispered to me. I nodded, kissing the top of her head. "I won't," I promised. Someone tapped on my door softly. "We have to go soon," Kai said. 

"Okay," Ariana and I replied before smiling at each other. We were always so in sync, it was crazy. 

"Okay, seriously, we have to get ready," Ariana giggled, kissing my cheek before wiggling out of my arms and gathering up her clothes. I smiled and got myself dressed quickly before the five of us climbed into my car and headed off to the courthouse. The drive was short, but I had never felt so calm driving to court, and I knew it was having Ariana's presence next to me that helped me feel so serene. 

Once we arrived, Ariana carried Micah in, allowing him to hide his face in her hair. Kai followed directly behind her, and Casen and I took up the rear, hands locked together in fear. I knew Casen was thinking exactly what I was thinking: would this hurt Micah? He was our baby. Ariana, Casen and I. Micah was our son, and all of us wanted to do whatever we could to protect him, but this just felt like we were marching him right into the lion's den. 

While we waited to go into the court room, Micah looked at Ariana and I in confusion. "What are we doing here?"

"Well, do you remember the bad man who tried to hurt us?" I asked as Ariana cradled him protectively. Micah nodded. 

"We need your help to get him sent away forever," Ariana said, kissing the top of Micah's head. 

"If the bad man goes away forever, does that mean that you and momma will be in love again?" Micah asked, looking up at Ariana, who seemed to be lost for words. 

"Maybe," I said, saving Ariana from having to speak. That's when someone came over to bring Micah to a room for the DNA test. Ariana went with him, since I had to be in the court room. I kissed my son's forehead and told him I loved him three times before I let him go. Then I sighed, squared my shoulders and walked into the court room with Casen and Kai. I listened quietly while my lawyer argued with Ryan's lawyer, until today's session was over. I walked out of the court room and immediately scooped Micah up in my arms, burying my face in his hair. 

"Mmm, I love you, bug," I sighed. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"What about mommy?" Micah asked. I looked up from my son's head and locked eyes with Ariana. Just looking at her made my body heat up while also sending a chill down my spine. She smiled at me and my heart melted. 

"Yeah, her too." 

ayoooo whats guuuuud y'all lmao im sorry for literally disappearing for months. there's a lot going on rn (my laptop is broken & everyone in my house is really noticing my depression lately so that's fun) but i decided to suck it up & just use the family computer to write bc i lowkey miss it but anyway

i hope y'all enjoyed this update !!! there will be another chapter soon  (idk when but i'm trying to stay on top of updating bc i know i hate when people write stories & get me sucked in & then dont finish them so ) 

BUT i have a different update ! i was approached recently about starting a partnership with an ariana grande merch website that sells a lot of cute shit for good prices !!! if you wanna check it out, you can click the link in my bio or the link attached to this chapter !! they have some really nice things, so id absolutely recommend checking them out & maybe buying something from them. 

anywho, thanks for reading ! ps: what are your favourite song(s) off of sweetener & thank u next ?????? ok pce out byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Moonlight // a.g (Lesbian Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora