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A/N: ok so I mapped out this whole story so I promise I'm gonna finish it, but I'm not going to make it as long as I had planned to make it (no, this is not the last chapter) idk how many chapters will be left, but I do know that this book will get an ending, that's a promise

also I'm sorry for the slow updates. I'm just not as inspired to write this like I was when I started break free but I don't just want to leave y'all hanging without an ending bc that's not fair, since I already have one planned. ok this note is rlly long time for the ch byeeeeee

"Momma!" Micah shouted. "Momma! Where are you?"

I didn't move, having buried myself under all of the blankets and pillows I had on my bed.

"Micah, let me talk to her," Glory said quietly. They were outside of my room. I heard Micah walk away before the door knob turned.

"Lyric," Glory said quietly, stepping in the room and shutting the door behind her. "Are you okay?" I didn't respond. She walked over and sat next to me, pulling the blankets back to reveal my head. She stroked my messy hair and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I said, my words muffled by the mattress.

"For making today a mess," Glory replied. "It's not fair to you, or to Micah."

"You didn't do anything," I sighed, sitting up and running a hand through my hair. "This is my fault. I made a mistake almost two years ago, and it's still affecting to this day."

"Lyric, I really like you," Glory said after a few moments. "But, I don't think I can stay in this relationship and not feel guilty.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I know you still love her," she said, referring to Ariana. "She's Micah's other mother. I can't get in the middle of this. You need her, she needs you, and Micah needs both of you. There's no room for me here."

"But that's not fair to you," I said sadly. Glory smiled, a smile that was trying to hide her hurt. "I'll be okay," she promised. "But you won't be if you let Ariana get away again." I sighed again. Glory rubbed my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for giving me a glimpse at heaven for a while," Glory said.

"You're still coming to Micah's birthday though, right?" I asked foolishly. Glory smiled. "If he wants me there, I'll be there."

"Okay, that's fair," I said. Glory kissed the side of my head before standing up and leaving. I sighed and fell back on my bed.

I stayed locked up in my room for the next week, until Kai dragged me out of bed and into the shower. "Clean yourself up, you're a mess," he said. "You have to go to court today. Get ready." I groaned but didn't fight it.

I spent two hours getting ready, showering, doing my hair, and dressing myself in something presentable. When I was finished, I took a deep breath and sat down in front of my mirror, legs crossed.

"Okay, Lyric," I sighed. "You can do this. You have to do this. You're doing this for Micah. You're doing it for Casen. And you're doing it for Ariana. Grow the fuck up. Get him locked away. Protect your family. Don't be a pussy. Stop making this drag on. Get it over with." I sighed.

"Lyric!" Kai knocked on the door. "We have to go!" I sighed again and stood up, walking over to my bedroom door. I opened it and said, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Kai rubbed my arm soothingly.

"Where's Casen?" I asked.

"Work," Kai replied. "I'm your escort today." I smiled weakly as Kai linked his arm with mine. We walked out together, got in my car and drove to the court house. Kai and I kept our heads ducked as we quickly moved past the paparazzi and into the court room. I sat with my lawyer on my right and Kai on my left. Directly behind me was Ariana, who reached out and rested her hand comfortingly on my shoulder. Without hesitation, my left hand reached across my chest and I rested my hand on hers, squeezing it gently.

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