Brand New Day

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*Lyric's P.O.V*

Two weeks went by without a word from my lawyers. The tabloids were having a field day with Sean and Ariana's break up and with my reunion with her. They were trying their hardest to make her look bad, but her fans were loving every second of it. Her twitter was full of positive messages who were happy that she and I were back together. I thought we should move slowly, but Ariana was more than willing to have me move back in immediately. Scooter, however, was thankful for my hesitation. He had been tasked with cleaning up Ariana's image in the press, and me moving in right away would not have made that any easier. 

Micah, meanwhile, was overjoyed that his mothers were back together. He wouldn't stop talking about it, and I couldn't help but smile every time I saw how happy he was. 

But, of course, when does my life ever stay happy for long?

Two weeks went by too fast, and now we had to go back to court, armed with a DNA test. A test that would make or break this court case. They had all the evidence. The police reports, the testimonies from me and Ariana and Casen, the scar on my arm, all of it. But this DNA test, this could keep Ryan locked away for good. And all I could do was hope and pray that it was enough. 

"Lyric, breathe." I turned to see Ariana sitting behind me, her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and untensed my shoulders. 

"Everything's going to be okay," she promised me. I nodded and sighed, hoping she was right. 

Our time in the court room seemed to pass in a blur. I just kept shifting around and fidgeting in my seat, praying I would just hear the word guilty. Once I heard it, I knew I would be able to breathe again. All I could see in my head was Micah, my baby, my son, whom I needed to keep safe. I needed him to be kept innocent for as long as possible. He was my world, and he always would be. Ryan wouldn't taint that. I wouldn't let him. 

I waited with bated breath for the jury to declare their verdict. I prayed they would believe me, would believe us, and keep our little family safe. 

"We, the jury, find the defendant, guilty of all charges." I choked, gasped for air, and almost screamed with joy. Ariana, sitting behind me, broke down in tears. I turned around and hugged her tightly. This was over. It was finally over. The judge sentenced Ryan to serve ten to fifteen years in prison, with the possibility of parole in eight years. It wasn't the sentencing I had been hoping for, but it would do. And I knew that for every parole hearing Ryan had, I could go and appeal his parole. And I would. 

Walking out of that courthouse, I felt free. I felt like I was breathing for the first time. I felt like my life had a fresh new start. 

And, it did.

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