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Casen had so much fun on his date with Kai, the next day at the studio, he was skipping around like a kid on a sugar high. I, on the other hand, was sulking because I didn't want to come into work today, for one simple reason: Ariana was recording today.

She had made an appointment to record some tracks for Dangerous Woman, and I was sure Sean would be here. I didn't want to have to deal with that mess, so I tried to call out today, but Casen wouldn't let me.

"I still can't believe you tried to skip out on seeing the love of your life today," Casen scoffed, falling into the rolling chair next to me. I dropped my head into my hands. "It would be different if she was still with me, or single. But, no. You know she's gonna bring him. You need to deal with him. I can't."

"Sure," Casen shrugged. "Sean's cool. I like him." I groaned and dropped my head on the edge of the sound board.

"What?" Casen laughed.

"You can't say my ex fiancée's new boyfriend is cool," I replied. ""It's like, blasphemy."

"You're ridiculous," he said, shaking his head. "Sean is cool. If he wasn't dating Ariana, you'd love him." I rolled my eyes before my heart almost exploded.

"Momma!" I spun around and saw Micah at the end of the hall, running towards me. I jumped up and ran towards him, scooping him up in my arms and pressing kisses all over his face. He laughed and said, "Momma, stop!"

"I missed you, bug!" I cried, still attacking him with kisses. He laughed uncontrollably. "I missed you too, momma!" I smiled and stopped kissing him, walking back towards my studio. "How was your week with mommy?"

"It was so fun!" Micah cried. "We did painting and we played with all the dogs and we did reading and math and we ate lots of ice cream! And school was fun because I got to see Gabby and she wants to have a play date but mommy said I had to ask you because I was gonna be with you this week." I smiled again and kissed his forehead. "Sure, bug, you have have a play date with Gabby."

"Yay!" Micah cheered. Just then, Casen stuck his head out of our studio. "Lyric, why are you carrying such a big booger?"

"Casey!" Micah shouted. I set him down and watched him run towards Casen, who scooped him up in his arms and spun him around happily.

"Hey." I turned around and saw Ariana standing there. "Hey," I replied.

"Sean had to take a phone call, so he'll be here in a few minutes," she told me. I clenched my hands into fists and tried not to sound angry or sarcastic when I answered her. "Great." She smiled and walked past me, into the studio. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

We started recording, Casen only keeping track of the time. He spent the rest of the session hanging out with Micah and Big Sean in the back. Ariana and I discussed track length, volume, reverb, echos and all that stuff as she recorded Moonlight, Dangerous Woman, Touch It, Bad Decisions, Knew Better and Forever Boy.

Ariana started to sing Knew Better, and I was really uncomfortable. It felt like a diss track about me, almost. "Say you could turn me on boy, but that's about it. You can say what you wanna, but I wouldn't believe it. You could write all them songs, that's the game that you play. Tryna write all them bars, but you can't make me stay," she said, sounding really sexy. She kept singing, and I played with my fingers under the sound board. When she finished, I stopped the recording.

"That was really good," I said. Ariana smiled. Then Micah said, "Good job mommy!" Ariana laughed and bowed. Then I started recording Forever Boy, and I knew she was singing about Sean. "Never been with a boy more than six months. I couldn't do it, got too used to it. Ain't nobody ever kept my attention, they couldn't do it, yeah, oh, they blew it. But you showed me what it means to be happy ever after, in love forever. And you gave me the key to all your love and all your pleasure. Oh, I'm a treasure," Ariana sang. I snuck a glance at Sean, who was playing with Micah. He looked uncomfortable, but I couldn't understand why. I just looked back at Ariana, watching her sing. That's when I realised she was wearing a beaded bracelet. Something Micah had made, I was sure. For his sixth birthday, he had gotten a bracelet-making kit, and apparently he had made Ari a bracelet. The more I stared at it, the easier I could make out what the bracelet said. A + L.

My heart stopped for a moment. Before I could delude myself into thinking she missed me, I realised that Micah had probably made her that bracelet because we were his mothers. Ariana + Lyric. A + L. That was all.

Ariana finished the song and I stopped recording. "Maybe you could put Knew Better and Forever Boy into one song?" I suggested. "Since they're both so short."

"Hmm," Ariana stretched and yawned before saying, "That could work. I think I need a nap, though. Next week?"

"Sure," I said with false cheeriness. Ariana smiled at me and flitted out of the booth, scooping Micah up in her arms. He giggled and she said, "I'm gonna miss you, baby. Be good, okay?" He nodded and she kissed his forehead before setting him down.

"Bye Casey," Ariana said, hugging Casen. Casen smiled and waved goodbye to her and Sean as they walked out. I started flipping switches off on the sound board. I hated to watch her leave.

"Momma? Are you ready to go?" Micah asked me. I nodded, grabbing my bag and my son's hand. We walked out of the studio together, Casen turning off the lights and following behind us. When we reached the elevator, I scooped Micah up in my arms as he yawned.

"Momma?" He said sleepily.

"Hm?" I replied.

"I miss when we all lived together like a family," he mumbled, slowly falling asleep. I looked helplessly at Casen, who frowned and squeezed my arm comfortingly.

"I know, bug," I sighed, thinking about Ariana's 'A + L' bracelet again. "Me too."

Moonlight // a.g (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now