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Eri gasped, she felt nothing but fear surrounding her. It was just a mere question from Overhaul but to her, hearing his voice was torture.

But Eri was needed in this place, because there are still a chance that Overhaul won't answer anything unless Eri is there with them.

"Oh don't look at me like that, Eri. You know daddy hates it when you look at him with that expression." Overhaul said in a sorry tone. He placed his hands on his chest, acting that he was really sorry which made Eri twisted her face in disgust. He is acting all sentimental when in fact he is as twisted as he is.

Eri clenched her fists, "Y-you... You are not my father." she spatted with acrimony and distaste.

"Oh, that pains me to hear my own child disowning her own father." Overhaul replied, making Aizawa took im charge of the situation by pilling Eri behind him and hiding her from Overhaul. He suddenly regretted bringing Eri here, afraid of what could Overhaul bring to Eri.

"Oh come on now, Aizawa. You know I can't do nothing to Eri, you don't have to be so overprotective. I don't have a quirk anymore~" Overhaul cooed as he took his hand out, revealing his prosthetic hands given to him. His hands were ivory white and it had no stain of dirt anywhere. Being the mysophobic man himself, he doesn't want to get dirty.

He asked for a replacement for his arms since he wont be able to eat without his hands, nor do his business without his hands.

Overhaul scoffed, "I can't see the point of having quirk depressants here, too." as he pointed his room.

Overhaul still held a grudge towards Shigaraki and the league of villains for cutting his hands off, making him loose his ability to use and manifest his quirk.

He always feared the fact that he couldn't use his quirk, ironic for him to think that way since he spent his life creating a drug that eradicates Quirks from other people.

"Oh, you're gonna want to have your quirk back when I shove my foot up your ass, you bastard." The three heard a click behind them, making them turn their heads to see who came inside.

"Kacchan." Izuku greeted, making the ash blond click his tongue while completely ignoring the greenette.

Katsuki marched right in front of the glass wall, completely ignoring the Eri and the two heroes who are inside but instead, he focused on Overhaul.

After hearing that Izuku went to see Overhaul, Katsuki didn't wasted any minutes and followed them, leaving Camie behind. He wanted to know the answers himself. And he wanted to know about the Chisaki Kei he fought against with.

"Now, now, lookie who do we have here!" Overhaul tattled, making Katsuki clench his jaws. "Pro Hero!~ how can I help you?"

Katsuki slammed his fist on the wall, "Who the fuck is Kei?" he asked, not batting an eye on the other heroes. Aizawa held Katsuki's shoulders to stop him. Katsuki immediately shoved Aizawa's hand away from him.

"Kei?" Overhaul asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice, raising his brows towards the ash blond male. Overhaul placed his finger under his chin, insinuating that he was waiting for a reply.

"What are you doing here, Bakugou?" Aizawa asked, darting an eye towards the raging blond.

Katsuki began to gnash his teeth against each other, "I need answers, Aizawa." he replied shortly, his crimson orbs still fixated on the prisoner behind the glass wall.

"Ah! I get it now. You're all here to interrogate me! Good call, good call!" Overhaul exclaimed as he clapped his hands in amusement.

A vein popped on Katsuki's forehead but he tried to keep his anger to himself. "Shut the fuck up."

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