Chapter 25 (The "business")

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Last week was Yena unnie and Yuri's wedding. It was a garden wedding and all of us are there. We came back home after the wedding and me and my mom have been hanging out a lot and spending time together every after my work.

Today, I went to Yujin's office to ask her to eat lunch with her just like we always do. I knock on her office door before entering. I saw her with a girl in the table and talking seriously. But I haven't seen this girl, ever. She saw me and they stopped talking.

Minju: "Let's go? Its lunch time." I said with a smile.

Yujin: "Yeah sure. Ms. Jung, see you later okay?" she said with a smile on her face. Fuck, why does she have to smile like that at her? And she did that infront me? And see you later?

They both stand up and she held my hand while the three of us went to the elevator. They both bid goodbye to each other while me and Yujin went to the restaurant to eat.

Minju: "Babe, my mom wants us in to have dinner with her later. And I don't know what to cook for her. What do you think?"

Yujin: "Babe, I can't have dinner with you later with mom. I have an important discussion with Ms. Jung later. You know, business." she said with an apologetic smile on her face.

Minju: "Yeah, okay. It's fine. I'll tell mom." I said with a force smile.

That night, I had a dinner with my mom. She cooked our foods. Then I asked her to teach me how to cook the foods so next time I can fro Yujin, and we talk until its time for her to go back to orphanage.

Mrs. Kim: "Bye honey. I'll get going now. And it really is a shame that Yujin cannot eat dinner with us. I wish next time she can?"

Minju: "Yes mom. I'll tell her that." I said then I kiss her on the cheeks before she get in her car and drive off. I went inside, took a bath and wait for Yujin to come home.

It's already 11:39 pm when Yujin came home. I saw her with a smile on her face then she saw me sitting in the living room.

Yujin: "Hey babe. I'm sorry I'm late. It's just that there's a lot of discussions that I had to talk to Ms. Jung." she said and she kiss me long and sweet on the lips.

Minju: "It's okay. You're here now." I hug her tight. She lift me up bridal style and we get inside our room. She went to the bathroom while I lay on the bed. Minutes later, she went out of the bathroom while her hair is wet. She dry her hair before laying beside me. I hug her and she kiss me goodnight.

Minju: "Mom says she wish next time you can join us at dinner. She misses you."

Yujin: "Next time babe. I'm really sorry that I'm late and didn't join the dinner."

Minju: "That's fine." I said. She kiss me on the lips.

Yujin: "I love you Kim Minju, remember that." she said and I blushed.

Minju: "I love you too Ahn Yujin." I said then we fall asleep.


Its been 7 months. For that 7 months, Yujin always going home late, she's always with Ms. Jung girl, she's frequently going in business trips abroad, my friends are all busy, and for 7 months, we haven't had a time to eat lunch together. She's always with Ms. Jung. And its driving me crazy!

I wonder what business does Yujin telling me for months now. I'm super jealous, there's no need for me to explain why. I trust Yujin, but I don't trust this Ms. Jung girl. She might do something black magic to Yujin so she can have her and Yujin will leave me.

I'm at the office now and Yujin knock on my door. I pretend that I'm busy doing stuff before she can open the door.

Yujin: "Babe, let's go. Lunch time." she said while smiling. I just nodded at her and I got my purse and walk pass by her. I went inside the elevator and Yujin stand beside me.

Yujin: "Babe, where do you want to eat?"

Minju: "Anywhere is fine." I said halfheartedly. Yujin look at me but didn't say a word.

We arrive at this restaurant and sit on one of the table there. She call the waiter and tell him our order. After that, she converse with some related stories regarding the company, her parents, my mom, and her cancelled business trip. She stop talking when she noticed I'm not paying attention to her.

Yujin: "Babe, is there something wrong? You're not in yourself today. Are you feeling well?" she worriedly ask me.

Minju: "What's with you and Ms. Jung? You're always together and you always come home late, FOR 7 MONTHS and counting. You barely spend time with me for that 7 months and counting. When you get home you'll just kiss me on the forehead not on my lips. I'm not a grandma you know? We cannot do our sexy time because you'll just sleep when you get home. Everytime you came back from business trip, you always find Ms. Jung. Tell me, are you cheating on me? Because that's what I'm feeling. You smile at her sweetly and..."

Yujin: "My baby is super jealous." she said with a wide grin. The fuck? How can she still grin when I'm being like this?

Minju: "Is it funny Ahn Yujin? Just answer me. Are you cheating on me?" I ask her in a very serious tone.

Yujin: "No."

Minju: "Then why?"

Yujin: "What why?"

Minju: "You're always with her for fuck's sake! I'm getting angry because of her! I trust you but I don't trust her! She might use some black magic to you and get you from me. God, its stressing me okay?" I said and I'm in the verge of crying because it really is stressing me out.

Yujin stand from her seat and crouch beside me. She hold my face and look me in the eyes. She caress my damp cheeks and kiss my lips.

Yujin: "I'm sorry if you feel it that way babe. But I swear, I'm not cheating on you. Never in a million years I will do such thing to you. I promise, after the business I'm talking with Ms. Jung, you can have me, forever. But for now, I need your much deeper understanding and patience to what I'm doing, okay? Everything will be worth it in the end, I promise." she said then she kiss me on the lips again.

We ate our lunch in silent, a comfortable silent. Until we finish our lunch and get back to office, we stayed silent. She kiss me on the lips when the elevator open to my floor.

I went back to my office and drown myself to paperworks to divert my attention.


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