Chapter 14 (Lunch time)

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(The next day)

I woke up with the sound of my alarm and I lazily turn it off. I couldn't sleep well last night because of Yujin, and her question to me. I went to the bathroom to take a bath then wear my formal attire after and make my way to the kitchen to make and eat my breakfast.

I walk out of the door and to my surprise, I saw Yujin leaning on the passenger seat of her car with a smile on her face. Wow, what a great start to make my day beautiful, I thought in my mind. She look stunning in her semi-casual attire. I just stand there across to her since I'm nervous.

I just look at her and think about of what happened last night and how I didn't get enough sleep because of that question. Why is she calm huh? Smiling at me in this beautiful morning like there's nothing to worry about. I'm worried because she might just playing with me, you know? Dumbass Minju. You are the worst when it comes to reasoning. You are...

Yujin: "Hey, as long as I just want you to stare at me all day, but we might be late for work today. Now come on." she said while she open the passenger seat with a smile.

Minju: "Why are you here so early?" stupid question Minju. Its obvious yet you still ask. Yujin chuckle at me.

Yujin: "I think you know the answer to that." she gently brab my hand and let me get in her car since I'm still not moving from where I'm standing. Why? Because of stupidity. Tsk. She close the door and jog towards the driver's seat.

I notice that this car is not the same as last night. Its a two-seated car. There's a jaguar logo on the steering wheel. I think its a Jaguar F-type car. Wow, rich kid indeed. She started driving going to the company.

I look at her carefully while her eyes is focused on driving. Its my first time to look at her this close. My baby grow up so well huh. She's still beautiful and handsome at the same time. Her eyelashes that is naturally long, her pinkish cheeks that I want to squeeze right now, her eyes that is really beautiful, she can do a lense advertisement really, her nose is also beautiful what the fuck, and her pinkish lips, why do I feel like that I want to k...

Yujin: "Enjoying the view Minju-ssi?" She ask even though she's not looking at me. I look away shyly because she caught me staring at her for a long time. What an embarrassment Minju. Clap clap.

I heard her soft laugh before she stop the car as the stop light goes red. She hold my hand and make me face her. I look at her and she has this foolish smile plastered on her beautiful face. She's just staring at me so I bacame conscious on my face.

Minju: "Is there something on my face?"

Yujin: "Yeah." she said with a smile. She let go of my hand and start driving again. While she's driving, I thought about her question to me last night. I was about to answer her with YES but she cut me off and said to think about it. But, there's no need for me to think about. I've waited for several years just to see and be with her again. Like I said before, I can lie to myself, but I can't lie what my heart is telling me towards Yujin.

From that day at the summer camp, until now that she became my boss, my heart just beats for her. It still keeps beating like crazy whenever I'm with her. If my heart can talk, she'll scream, "Hey Yujin! You are my first love! And I fucking love you until now!" I look at her again. I'll give her my answer now. As in right now.

Minju: "Ma'am..."

Yujin: "Yujin." shit, yeah. I forgot.

Minju: "Yujin-ssi, about your question last night..."
Yujin: "Minju-ssi, I told you to think about it carefully, right? Because once you say yes, there's no turning back. I'll always stick to your side wherever and whenever you are. I'll keep on bugging you when your not with me. I'll keep on calling you until you got annoy with me. Basically, I'll become your shadow once you say yes. But when you say no, expect that it will be just pure business relationship between us. Its that simple." she sigh. She looks worried and nervous now. Tsk tsk. I think of something better since I think this is not the right time.

Minju: "Yujin-ssi, can I have lunch with you later? I'll tell you my answer at lunch, okay?" she stop the car again because of the stop light turns red. Then I continue, "There's no reason for me to think about it. I wanna give you my answer now, but you look nervous and worried, so I'll just save it for later, hm? Pick me up later okay?" I said to her with a smile. Yujin just smile at me, still nervous.

We reached the company and she open the door for me. We went to the elevator and I got out first. I busy myself working with my team since our tests and methods are doing fine and anytime soon, we can apply it to the comoany and boom, problem solve. After our meeting, I went to my office to forecast our inventory and sales. I keep on doing that until someone knock on my door and it made me come back to my senses.

Yujin went inside my office and I was just there, blinking at her. Oh shit, is it lunch time already?

Yujin: "Let's go?"


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