Chapter 2 (I see you)

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It took me 20 minutes until I finally arrived at Chaewon unnie's house. I park my car as soon as I saw her in the front gate of her house, waiting for me.

Yujin: "Unnie!" I said while smiling widely at her.

Chaewon: "Yujinie, waah its been 5 days since I last saw you! I missed you." she said while hugging me. She closed the door then off we go to supermarket.

Yujin: "Its just 5 days unnie, not a year hahaha!" I joked.

Chaewon: "Whatever. So, when will you start your job, Ms. CEO? Oh wait, lemme tell you something. First day will give you SOOOO MUCH headache, I swear. So be prepare, but I know that you can do it." she said to me while laughing.

Yujin: "I'll start tomorrow. Actually my secretary came to my house last night and say something but I stopped her, I told her I want some one day rest from everything then after that, I'll start my job."

Chaewon: "You better! Our fathers need to have a break too, yeah? And also, its not that they'll leave there job permanently, they'll just leave to us one of our big companies here in Korea to manage, they will still manage the rest. And I bet, you want your parents to have some sexy time so you can have a dongsaeng right?" she said then we both laugh at what she said.

We arrived at the supermarket while chatting in no time. We headed to the door and start buying my foods, and other necessities like shampoo, toothpaste, etc. After buying in the supermarket, we decided to eat at one of the restaurant there since we're both hungry. We sat by the window of the restaurant then I look at the menu book.

Chaewon: "I'll have lobster stuffed rigatoni, carot pureé, and corn sabayon please." She ordered.

Yujin: "I'll have surf and turf american cut please." The waiter leave our table as soon as he got our order. I look outside the window then Chaewon unnie spoke.

Chaewon: "Yujinie, I saw her. I think it was the other day. I was at this coffee shop the other day and I think she's a barista or a part timer there. My gosh Yujin, that girl is really one of a hella gorgeous. She has this very pretty eyes, yeah? She looks so dazzling, and innocent, and pure, and kind, and humble and, argh. I don't know anymore. Bruh, you're so lucky! You have to make your move fast tho, someone might get her from you." She said in a little high pitched tone because of her excitement.

Yujin: "Well, that someone is not you, right? Haha, you sound like you like her already while describing her." I said while laughing soflty.

Chaewon: "Nah, not me. I'm just excited to describe her for you since you're a scaredy cat in confessing your feelings. Plus, you haven't met her since like, what? Geez, man up will you? You just always see her secretly for the past years. Remember the time we're on a vacation with your parents? You plan on going to that resort without your parents knowing, because you know, you stalk her. And also, remember the time we made some pie on that resort? That disgusting apple pie you made makes me want to puke right now. But my point is, just go to her, find her and confess, maybe she feels the same way to you." Unnie said to me.

Yujin: "I don't know. Maybe she doesn't remember me at all. Its been a very long time tho. A very long time but I still like her until this very moment. I don't understand why am I still feeling like this towards her." I told her with a little pain in my heart, thinking that she doesn't remember me at all. But I know what I'm feeling about her.

Chaewon: "Well, if you'll ask what do you call that? Bruh, its L.O.V.E. No other than that, just LOVE. You love her since that day." She said it with a very stern tone in her voice like she's very sure about what she said.

I look again at the window to think about what unnie told me when a very familliar, yet so strange person walking, laughing with her friend, i guess. That eyes, yeah I will never forget that eyes. The eyes that made me like her, and also maybe, the eyes that made me love her. Her laugh, her face, and that lips, her lips are really... Wait, here we go again huh? Drooling over her. Stop it Yujinie.

"But I'm not a baby anymore" my mind told me. Whatever. She still that girl that I like ever since that day. I saw her but she didn't see me. I sigh in relief.

Yujin: "Yeah unnie. I think its LOVE." I said to her while I'm following her with my eyes. I see you Minju-ssi, I see you.


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