Chapter Eight: A Cheesy Smile

Start from the beginning

She gives me a questioning glance. "You are one weird kid, Logan." She turns back to her book effectively ending our exchange.

I study her face for a moment more. She is pulchritudinous girl. I bet she is wonderful on the inside also. I pull my eyes away and decide to pull out my Jules Vern book and continue reading until class starts.


In my second period class, Anatomy, Mrs. Chillington started a lesson about the circulatory system and, of course, the heart. While she begins to explain that there is a difference between a heart attack (acute myocardial infarction) and a cardiac arrest- a heart attack is caused by a clogging of one or more of the major arteries connecting to the heart while a cardiac arrest is a sudden attack in which the heart muscle contracts incorrectly preventing efficient blood flow and oxygen delivery- my wandering mind drifts to thoughts about what I don't know about Amanda. I'm not entirely sure why. It's simple things like what her favorite color is- that seems like something a friend should know; what her middle name is; how her name would sound if her last name were to be Anderson.

"-Logan?" The sound of my teacher's squeaky voice pierces my thoughts. I hear a muffled snicker or two from the back of the room.

"I'm sorry, what was the question, Mrs. Chillington?" I ask as the last of my thoughts flutter away from me.

"What are three main arteries that connect to the heart?" I can hear annoyance laced into her voice.

We haven't talked about this in class yet- except for today maybe- but I have a fascination with the heart so I already know the answer. "The pulmonary, the aorta, and the coronary."

She nods her head with a hint of shock on her face. She clearly knew I was paying no attention to her.

She turns back to the projector and continues her lesson while I turn back to my thoughts.

Soon, Anatomy ends, and I head to English class. It runs similarly for me to Anatomy: me, not paying attention to the teacher but to the single topic stuck in my brain. Quickly, thirty minutes before lunch arrives, but, from there, time seems to stand still. The Earth must have speed up a whole lot, or an object with the mass of a galaxy must have appeared next to me because I can swear that relative time is in action and made my time slow down some.

Finally, the bell rings and I rush to the cafeteria. It is nearly vacant, but a minutes later it is swarming. I find myself scanning the crowd.

"Hey, Creeper." Amanda appears behind me.

I smile automatically. "Hey." I turn to face her.

"Want to sit together at lunch? Or, would you prefer to stand here and examine everyone from afar?"

"Let's eat because you made that sound very uncomfortable." I laugh.

She laughs with me as we take seats next to each other at an empty half of a table in the corner. I dig into my lunch box and pull out my bag of puffy Cheetos. I pull one out and put it over my lips with the arched part facing down and the ends up. I turn and look at Amanda waiting for her to look away from her lunch and at me. It only takes her a second to feel my gaze. She turns her head toward me with an eyebrow raised, but once she sees me, I can see her trying to bite back a smile.

Amanda shakes her head. "Why?" She grins.

"It's a smile!" I laugh. I hand the Cheeto off to her. She takes it, curiously, and sets it on a napkin in front of her.

I turn back to my bag and pull out the rest of my lunch. When I sit back up, I notice Amanda rubbing her bare arms.

"Are you cold?" I inquire.

Amanda shrugs. "Yeah, they always make the lunch room, like, 12 degrees!" She grumbles.

I wiggle my eyebrows. "I can hug you to warm you up."

She smiles and shakes her head. "I think I'm good."

I pull my hoodie off. "Well here, take this." I wrap the hoodie around her shoulders. She opens her mouth to protest, but I give a stern look telling her not to argue. She slips her arms into the hoodie and wraps it around her stomach.

"Wow, you full wolves are warm." She mutters.

I smile and lean in a little closer to her. "Would you say I am hot?"

She laughs and pushes me away. She then picks up her Cheeto and throws it at me.

"Did you try to hurt me with your smile?" I fake hurt.

"I guess it's a frown now." She shrugs.


You're falling hard. Willy sings in my head.

Haha, you're so funny. I reply bitterly.

It also looks like you left your parachute at home. He grins.

No I didn't. I narrow.

I hope Willy is wrong. I know that I started to fall for Amanda; there is no doubt about it. And how could I not? She is amazing and wonderful and perfect in her own way. I just hope I have a way to stop myself smoothly for the possibility I learn that there is nothing but spikes to greet me at the bottom of the cliff.


A/N: Any advice, complains, or questions? Leave them here! I promise I will read them and answer questions or explain and clear up confusion.

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~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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