FUN FACTS!!!! (1)

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In the process of writing, I think of as much background as I can so I'm not like some people who change their background ever freakin' chapter. I swear, I read a book where this girl had, let's say Math class last period with her best friend. Next day, it was first period. Next day, it was after lunch. Next day, it was first again, but her friend wasn't in the class (like by her schedule not because she was sick or something).


The Prologue:

That was originally in Johanna's POV and at the end of the story until I decided to change a few things. And, I can't tell you how long it took me to write the vows. I had to make them traditional-like so they kinda had to be a little sexist, but me being me, I didn't want them to be too bad. Plus, who they vowed to. That took some time too. Anyway, your welcome for my deep thinking.


Caccia and Chorale is a song that was composed by Clifton Williams. He had cancer and the first movement (Caccia) is about him battling and surviving it. "Caccia" translates to "the hunt" in Italian. However, the cancer came back. He wrote "Chorale" as this. He knew he wasn't going to survive. The pieces are great. Caccia has Mores Code "SOS" in it. And Chorale has a heart beat then a heart monitor stopping at the end.

Daric said "Catch'chya" and Jo replies with "Oh, the hunt" if you remember. This was a scene foreshadowing Jo's illness. It's wasn't just her dizziness.


Okay, I didn't find a good spot to put this in, but I decided that Daric would become the future Gamma of the pack. Why didn't I say it? He was struggling mentally the whole time. Logan knew that he couldn't hold the added pressure, and he was not ready for responsibility quite yet. If Daric could get past his, well, past, then he would clearly be strong enough in all criteria for the job.

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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