Seven: Shelby

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A/N: Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


The pack meeting was quick. Everyone had guessed at what was going on for the most part. There were maybe a handful of questions, but overall, it was simple and short. After that, we went back to the Alpha house where fine details would be refined. I was about to go into the office when I was stopped by a hand gripping my wrist. Tingels shimmied up my arm as I turn to look at Carter.

"It's late-"

"It's, like, 9 o'clock," I interrupt him.

"Okay,it's not that late... yet. However, these meetings, especial at a time like this, can be pretty lengthy. I want you to get some sleep," he pleads.

"I'll be fine. I'm not new to staying up late."

"I know." Carter wraps me in his arms which I respond to quickly by wrapping mine around his waist. "But I want you to get your sleep. I promise I'll come over tomorrow morning and tell you everything. Then, maybe we could take a walk." The last sentence was more of a question.

"Can we go out to eat after the walk?" I mumble.

He chuckles. "Of course we can."

"Tell me everything." I pull back enough to look at him in the eyes.

"Everything." He pecks my lips. "Now go up to bed. School is on winter break so now I can see you all day everyday. There is plenty of time for use later."

"Fine," I pout.

"Goodnight to you, too," Carter chuckles before pressing his lips to mine for a few seconds. "Sleep well," He mutters into my lips.

"Meet well," I mutter back.

Carter chuckles. "You are one unique girl." He finally releases me, and we turn our separate ways for tonight.


The next morning I awake to the gentle tapping of rain drops against my window. After stretching, I peer out of it to see grey clouds with a few blue spots peeking out here and there. I hope out of bed and pop into the bathroom to do the normal morning bathroom things. When I come out, I notice that it is only around ten. Normally I wake up a couple hours from now. Although, I went to bed a little early last night, not that I fell asleep right away.

I head downstairs to get something to eat and find that, like always, almost all of the other Andersons are already there eating or finished eating. Mom and Dad are in the kitchen with Tyler as he gets fed. Mikena is skipping out of the room having just put her empty bowl in the sink. Knowing my little sister, that was most likely her second bowl today; her before lunch snack as she calls it sometimes. Logan and Amanda are putting on their shoes by the door.

"Where are you two going so early?" I ask as I stare at them confused. I mean, it's only ten in the morning.

"We're going to walk around town some, maybe stop into a few stores." Amanda answers as she finishes tying her second shoe.

"But it's so early."

"It may be early for you, but not us." Logan sounded a little agitated. I didn't realized I annoyed him so much, gosh.

"Come on," Amanda pulls her mate through the front door. "You need some fresh air." She then turns to me. "See you later Shelby."

I weakly wave my hand at her as they disappear.

I walk back to the kitchen to pull out a pack of strawberry poptarts. "Morning 'rents." I plop down in an open chair at the table.

"What is that?" Dad asks confused.

"Is that some new thing kids are saying?" Mom asks.

"Why would it be? What is 'rents'? I'm not renting anything. Okay well technically-"


"Dad, it's an abbreviation for parents." I sigh as I dig into my poptarts.

"Oh, well, morning 'aughter." He beams proud of himself.

"That's not how-" I sigh knowing it's a waste of my breath.

A few minutes later, footsteps approach the table. A kiss is placed on my cheek. I jump and look up shocked to see Carter standing there with a smile.

"Why-- How-- What are you doing here?" I ask bewildered.

"The meeting went on really late." He sits next to me.

"So, I let him stay here for the night." Dad finishes.

"When we're done with breakfast, we can go for a walk," Carter states, but it is partially a question.



"Any news on the rogues?" I asks as we climb over a log.

A long tired sigh passes his lips. "We got news, but it isn't much. I think it means about nothing."

"What is it?" I look up at his worried face.

"The trackers found that they went two different ways to get here and leave. The had two groups or whatever."

"Could the trackers get far?"

"Maybe," He drags him free hand down his face. "If it didn't start to rain around midnight; it was pouring by one."

"And that washed away the scent trails." I follow his information.

"Yes, so we basically have nothing."

"Well, that's great; the rain washed them away. Those lucky bastards." I grumble.

"That's the thing. we don't know if they are actually lucky. I mean, all they have to do is look at the weather channel to find out that it will most likely rain."

"Wow, they have gotten tricky."

"Something has changed..." He trailed off.

"I mean, they lost Allen. Wasn't he the one giving them plans?" I ask.

He shrugs. "We don't know for sure if that was what he was doing, but that's not what I mean. I think there is more."

"What? Like, that they are after more than we think?"

"Maybe, I mean, they seem overly motivated for our reason alone." He turns to look at me troubled. He cups my cheek before pecking my lips. He pulls back with a more relaxed expression. "Come on,let's head back. I'm feeling kinda hungry."


A/N: Yeah, um, it rained in the middle of December. I guess the region is a little different than I thought...

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~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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