C H A P T E R | T H R E E

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         It had been a week -- one full week -- since Flynn deemed it best to part ways with his mate, Willow. He hasn't spoken a word to her, no matter how much Willow wishes he would. He gave her no explanation. It was a hit and run that has left her with a gaping, lethal wound only his words can heal.

Every school day, she dreaded awaking in the morning. They are to be attending the same school -- and not a very big school. They were bound to run into each other. And they did... on the first day. After that Flynn hadn't gone to school. Instead he would sneak off into the forest to try and gather his thoughts and feelings -- not then anyone knew this.

Willow, on the other hand, has spend her days at school to try and forget her feelings, even just for a few hours. At the sound of the final bell, she would escape the grounds as soon as she could and hide away in her room. Shelby, Rebecca, and Arizona -- three of her closest friends -- visited a few times, but nothing got her to speak much. It was hard. None of them understood what she was feeling. Shelby had a great mate, and the other two had yet to meet them.

She had talked to Anne, but not very much. She would send her texts, just enough to seem like she is okay. However, she isn't naive enough to believe the other haven't told her about Willow's situation. And, judging by Anne's last texts, she had been told.

Who knew the pain could feel so strong from only knowing someone for no more than a day? Her heart has a gash that seems impossible to heal. Her chest aches with every breath. Her soul is tattered.

Why would he do this, Zena? What is wrong with us? Willow cries into the depths of her mind to try and reach Zena. She has been quiet since that fateful day. Only a handful of times has she let her presence be known to her human half. Willow needs the support of her and knows Zena needs the same. It is only the hard questions which can lure her out of silent submission.

I don't know what is wrong. Maybe we are too weak. We are only a Nu and he could easily be a Zeta. Or maybe he wishes to be a rogue still. We would only hold him back. Or maybe he is even in love with another. Maybe there is someone he meet in his life who is better than us. She is probably beautiful and has the power of a Theta or even an Eta! We aren't good enough. No matter how you look at it. We aren't good enough. Zena is growling at the end. It is the most she has said all week at one time. If fact, it is more than she is has said combined. But this time, it is darker than it is sad.

With no one to help her through these horrible times, her wounds have only festered and angered. Willow could feel the darkness in her blossom. If she doesn't help her wolf half soon, Zena may never recover. She could grow to hate Flynn and Owen.

However, before Willow has the chance to answer back, Zena is gone once again. What is she going to do? They are both going to crumple under that weight of the pain placed upon them.

Willow's phone suddenly begins to ring. The fast beat of her favorite song from three years blasts into her silent room. This has been Anne's ringtone on all of her devices since she caught Anne singing it at the top of her lungs. Willow feels a rush of nostalgia rush through her bloodstream. She misses the time when Anne was here. She could always improve her mood. Her life wasn't as complicated then, though. She didn't have a mate who doesn't want her. She didn't have doubt about herself. She was always the more social and bubbly of the two girls. But that has disappeared.

She lifts her sleek, black cell phone. The screen glows in the dim room. Why is it so dark? The curtains are open. Willow thinks to herself. The sun should be shining through. Anne's name and a picture of her making a silly face are displayed on the screen along with the time at the top. It is already six o'clock. Where has the time gone? She has been in her room for just under three hours, but it only felt like twenty minutes to her.

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