XX- Dates

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Daddy managed to hand me my keys and also helped by distracting momma and Zacardi while I snuck out of the house for the rest of the day. He really came in clutch for me because I don't think I would be able to handle Zacardi today especially after all that shit he said earlier this morning. With me finding out that was one-third of an heir to one of the most powerful Mafia's in the south. I was still surprised about all of it, still even after dad explained it to me.

Daddy sent me to meet up with my cousin Cassie who was a personal designer and was really bomb as what she does. She was really the definition of booked and busy, women always contacted her for prom dresses, wedding dresses and dresses for the high-class events. So, I surprised that daddy sent me there for the Beyond Imagination Gala. He said that I would be presenting a scholarship and also be introduced to a few people that he knew. That was his special request, so I said yes. It shouldn't be a problem.

I got to the boutique and immediately spotted my big cousin Cassie as rummaged through a rack of dresses.

"Cassie!" I yelled running into her pulling her into the tightest hug.

"Tam Tam! I missed you!" she said excitedly as we held into the hug for the longest as we moved into circles.

"Ahem! I mean your favorite cousin is here too!" I heard the familiar voice and looked up to see Capo and ran over to him.

"I missed you, Capo! How can I forget my personal history teacher?" I said as I gave him a hug then took a seat next to him.

It felt good to see my cousins on my dad's side of the family. They were the rowdy bunch for real, but the family was so close-knit and together to the point where nothing tore them apart. My mom never liked my daddy side of the family especially Cassie, why? She was a transgendered woman but Cassie took the necessary steps and surgery to become a full woman. According to my momma, it wasn't her assigned gender from God. Cassie didn't take it lightly and ever since then she kept her distance but it didn't stop from her being my first ever best friend.

"So how you doing Ms.Tami, still going by your momma rules?" Capo asked as Cassie and I stared at each other and rolled our eyes.

"She knows Capo," Cassie answered pertaining to the whole Black Mafia situation.

His brow rose as he glanced at me, "She knows knows like everything or just the base?" he asked and Cassie glanced at me before walking to the back.

"She knows whatever Unc wants her to know, just to overwhelm her," she warned and I was left with Capo who looked more than amazed me like I was some type of alien who was new to this new thing.


So how is my beautiful woman doing right now?

Received: 3:17pm

"So now that you know the truth about your dad, are you scared?" Capo asked and I sighed placing my phone down before having a chance to text Pusha back.

I mean it is the Mafia, it wasn't flowers and sunshine. I knew daddy was ordering hits and everything. Maybe sixteen years old me who once upon a time was like a miniature version of my momma would've freaked out. Now, it wasn't something to freak out about, it was life. I knew it was way more to learn about Black Mafia thought that my dad was withholding from me.

"Naw pretty normal, whats your whole position in the Black Mafia?" I asked as he stopped rolling his joint and looked at me.

"Well, I make sure all business that deals with the family are under good care including our personal business, from my clothing line to Cassie's boutique. As for Cassie, she managed to become the designer to a lot of these spoiled Mafia kids when they go to the high-class parties."

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