I - Perfect Child

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Chapter one


"Tamia Jones!" I overheard my mom yell as I just walked into the house from countless hours of boring classes and the voices of monotone professors. I was exhausted and wanted my bed but couldn't even see that due to the hours of studying that I was going to be going through.

"Ma'am," I said closing the door behind me and locking it. I was convinced that my mom was telepathic skilled whenever I was at home.

Kirk Franklin played throughout the house already that man was getting ready for bible study tonight. I looked at my little brother, Trayvon, as he passed by me blasting Young Jeezy through his small headphones nearly bumping into me.

"What ugly?" he said towering over me as his tall six-foot stature towered over my reasonable five foot seven.

"Whatever," I said pushing him to the side and proceeded to my parent's room and saw both of them getting for church as scheduled.

My parents never missed a beat when it came to church. As long-term, dedicated and well-known members not just only in the church but in the community. They had to make sure they were present at every function. In any weather, rain, snow or shine, they were right there the third row to the left not missing a single beat. It was hard to believe I got dragged with her when I was younger. Sitting in the first pew at sixteen while the other teens my age sat in a group with each other. I was molded to be perfect in their eyes. But once I graduated high school and college started to get hectic the usual Monday through Sunday's was switched to only Sunday's and optional Fridays if I didn't have any exams or homework.

"Ma'am," I peeked into her room and she turned around, glanced at me and continued to get ready.

I rolled my eyes if anything my momma hated to be late and would fuss if we threw her off time. She would be the first person at the church gates before the pastor came and opened them. In her words, "God loves punctual people." Whatever that meant.

"Hey baby," my dad said giving me a hug and kissed me on top of my forehead making me smile. At least he noticed me.

My dad wasn't so much as uptight as momma, he always felt that we needed to make mistakes to understand life a little better. He let us listen to music we wanted to listen to and watch certain shows. My dad wasn't perfect back then and never switched up on his past.

"Hey daddy, how was your day?" He asked as he fixed his creme colored bow tie that I brought for him on fathers day in the mirror.

"It was good honey, how was school?"

I leaned on the doorframe and sighed thinking about the hours of studying that I was going to have to go through later on. At least i wasn't going to be eyed like a hawk with momma gone.

"Tiring but becoming a health administrator doesn't happen overnight," I said and he smiled at me through the mirror.

"With God on your side it can," my mom said before looking at the time on the clock and groaning already giving the sign that they were running late.

"Tamia, I left money on the table just in case you and Trayvon get hungry. Tell Trayvon I better not see him on that damn PlayStation when I get home, it's a school night," she ordered as I nodded my head agreeing with the same rules that momma would tell me every night.

"Alright, Ma."

I walked out into the hallway staring in front of my door as my parents walked out of the room and daddy locked the door. They always said we had no business in their room while they were gone and kept it under lock and key.

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