X - Godparents

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Chapter Ten


When I placed my hand on Tamia's, it was like someone told me to do it. As if I didn't have any say in what I wanted to do. Once I placed my hand on her as she slightly jumped but then slowly relaxed.

I noticed my momma in the choir as she noticed me, making her smile from ear to ear because I know she always wanted her only son to go to church. So this was like something that she can cross of her bucket list.

"Now do we have any visitors in the church this Sunday?" The pastor said as I quickly put my head down but knew that all eyes were on me. I hated this part of the service, forcing strangers to introduce themselves.

"Come on, I'll stand next to you the whole time," Tamia leaned next to me and whispered in my ear.

I looked at my mom who already seemed as if she was staring daggers into me.

I sighed slowly getting up as Tamia stood up after me. I followed behind Tamia as she guided me to the front of the church. Eyes followed me from the seat all the way to the stage and once facing everyone, that's when it hit. Judgmental eyes were analyzing me and I was starting to hate it.

"Welcome to House of the Living God," the voice was like the most perfect melody. She stood with confidence as she looked beautiful in her red leather skirt and black top. I honestly couldn't keep my eyes off of her, "If you are a first time guest with us today, or the first time in a long time, we want to give you a special welcome."

She looked at me with a smile but her brow raised most likely trying to figure out why was I staring at her like that. I had to snap out of it. I never pursued women or even looked at women the way that I looked at Tamia.

"At House of the Living God, you'll find a family where you can grow spiritually, and find a place to serve as a blessing to the community. No matter if you are broken, or have it together at this moment, Welcome to our family," Another girl announced as Tamia clipped me pin onto my shirt then gave a hug.

She smelled like coconuts and vanilla, but I still smelled those hints of blue dream we smoked nights ago. It made a smirk just plaster on my face.

After being stuck on the stage I had to spend more time on Pasia christening which really was beautiful. It made me think about doing this with my child and wife whenever I decided to settle down.

I glanced over at Tamia as she stood next to Pamela helping her and also taking pictures. I wondered how long Pamela knew Tamia and why she never introduced me.

"Pamela, have you chosen the godparents for your child?" The pastor asked.

"Yes, I have." She answered.

I knew Pamela picked me as the godfather but I didn't know who the godmother was cause Pamela wasn't big on female friends.

"Have them come forward." The pastor said as I walked over and Pamela and I switched places and I was now standing next to Tamia. I looked at Tamia as she took her hands out and I did the same and Pamela put the baby in both of our arms.

Pasia smiled as Tamia smiled at her, then Pasia looked at me and laughed following a scream in excitement. That was my P-Baby, she was like the reason I had to calm myself from baby fever because looking at her face made me smile each and every time. I could honestly say that the reason I was doing all of this trapping and club promoting was for my niece and nephews.

"Do you, the godparents, with the help of God, promise to do all that you can do to help and support Pamela in the bringing of her child?"

"We will," we said in unison.

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