"I fucking knew it."

"Knew what?"

Several voices asked in unison as Lui continued to eye the needle. He stopped turning it to point at some sort of brand that was on the side.

"Robin Industries,"

Lui looked up and swept his gaze across the gang,

"The main supplier of the Canaries."

"It's them."

Evan said grimly from where he was slouched over in a chair,

"The Canaries have Jonathan?"

Smitty spoke softly from where he was leaning on John's shoulder, his wings shrouding the couple as milk and cherries danced with rain.

"That's what it's looking like,"

Tyler affirmed.

"How did they know we would be there?"

Brock questioned suddenly, looking defeatedly at his cup,

"It was a spur of the moment thing, and we didn't smell anyone there when we arrived."

It was quiet for a bit before Smitty said,

"What if somebody told them?"

The question was cautious, but accusatory glares still pointed toward the dove.

Except for Tyler and Brian.

They glanced at Craig, who swallowed before ducking his head.


Brian asked, his tone sharp. He didn't ask the rest of the question, sparing the Omega from the gang's wrath for a bit longer, but his azure eyes spoke for him.

Craig was quick to look up and shake his head as the rest of the gang turned their curious stares toward the pigeon, shrugging before mumbling,

"I haven't heard anything new..."

Again a tense silence dripped from the ceilings, Tyler huffing before it could continue for long,

"We've already had this problem before. We aren't doing it again,"

He growled the warning before continuing,

"We'll wait for Luke and Ohm to come home, then we'll go from there. Agreed?"

Everyone nodded or murmured an agreement before Tyler shooed them off, Anthony setting up the Switch as Brock headed toward the kitchen to cook something.

Tyler glanced at Evan one more time, the elk's eyes ominous as he stared at his hands.

He looked up, and they locked eyes for a moment.

Tyler gave him an assuring nod, they would find Jonathan.

Evan nodded slowly before dropping his gaze, he really hoped so.


Squirrel was cleaning his gun as two female Alphas walked past.

They were giggling about some inside joke.

His phone vibrated on the table, the screen lighting up to show a familiar number.


"We got him."

The kid blinked in surprise, dropping the dirty cloth on the table.


"We got him. Where do you want to rendezvous?"

Squirrel pinched his eyebrows together.

"Can't the others bring him in?"

"Not their department. Remember, Rilla's on defense and Bryce isn't supposed to leave in general."

Squirrel huffed.

"Why was bringing one of the Omegas out a good idea again?"

"Because the almond part of his scent melds really well to yours- it smells like there were three Alphas in there."

Squirrel paused, glancing at the gun on the table.

"And getting him will get enough for my college?"

"It'll get you more than you know what to do with, kid."

Squirrel's eyes widened and he had to stifle a gasp.

He was finally escaping Los Santos.


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