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"Jersey, wake up," I heard my sister's voice, "it's two in the afternoon for Christ's sakes."
I grumbled under my breath, and rolled over to the other side of my bed. I hated being woken up early. Especially when the sound of my buzzing phone kept me up at night. Have you ever had a girl that could not take a hint? It's fucking irrating, I tell you. I may have whispered that I would call her later, but I had no intention of doing so. I don't give second chances. Sure, I let her ride me at the party, but that was last night.

Curse words fell from my mouth when my comforter was ripped off of me. It was so damn cold in here, and I was only in a pair of boxers.

I glared at her, "Brynn, why the hell did you do that?! Some people enjoy their sleep, you know?!" Grumbling, I pulled on a pair of sweatpants that I threw on my desk when my mom told me to put it away. I grabbed
a long sleeved shirt out of my dresser, and pulled it over my head. I ruffled my black hair, and turned around to look at my sister that hasn't left my bedroom yet.

She shrugged. "Oops. Dad told me to wake you up. He said that it was important that you're downstairs when all the guests get here." Of freaking course he did.

"Also, I wanted to talk to you for a minute."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "What is it?"
Brynn and I were never the type of siblings to talk about personal stuff. We would argue with each other every chance we had. Sure, I loved her, but we just didn't talk all that much. Not since she moved
out with her boyfriend, at least.

A sigh left her lips, "I..... I don't know if
I should tell you." I could tell she was nervous by the way she was fidgeting
with her braid.

Hesitantly, I pressed my hand on top of hers. I wanted her to know that I was there for her, and wouldn't laugh at her like an asshole.

"Jersey, do you promise not to tell anyone?"

I nodded with every intention of keeping my promise. I ran a hand through my black hair. I haven't always been a good brother, and I regretted it. I felt like I owed it to her to listen.

"Okay," she began, "I don't know if I want
to attend college. I know that's what mom wants, but Adrian brought up the idea that we could travel the world. I have started to love the idea of traveling the world of the love of my life."

"More like travel each other," I mumbled. She must have heard me because she threw me a death glare. I laughed loudly at her angry expression. "You have to admit that it is hilarious."

"No, it wasn't." She bit back a smile. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand, ignoring the unread texts I have from Amelia. She isn't worth my time.

You weren't saying that last night, Jersey, my mind taunts me.

"I promise I won't tell anyone, Brynn," I assured her. I may be a jerk, but I'm not a heartless monster. I wouldn't betray my sister like that. If she doesn't want to tell them, then I won't force her. She smiled at me, and walked out of my room. I sat at the edge of my bed, and opened the message from Amelia.

Amelia: Hey, hottie, you free tonight.

I scoffed, and typed back a reply.

First of all, don't call me that. Second of all, it's Christmas fucking day. I've got plans with my family. You can give someone else
a bj.

Instantly, she replied. She's so damn pathetic.

Amelia: Jerseyyyyy, I want you. Can't you just come over for like thirty minutes?

Thirty minutes, my ass. There's no way I'm showing up at your house. Choke on Santa's dick for all I care. You had your chance, Amelia. And to be honest, I've had better. Never text me again.

When she attempted to text back a reply, I happily pressed the block button. I slid my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants, put on a dumb looking Santa hat, and descended down the stairs.

"What up, Jersey?" Adrian, my sister's boyfriend, asked me. He took a sip of his beer before giving me a bro hug. To be honest, I have no idea why we do that.
It's kinda dumb, if you ask me, but whatever.

"I'm good," I told him, a small smile resting on my lips. Adrian and I have always been on good terms. He doesn't treat my sister like absolute shit, and he seems to have mom and dad's approval. I wouldn't care
if he dropped down on one knee at any given moment, and asked Brynn to marry him. Knowing my parents, they probably wouldn't care, either. They've always been pretty laid back. As long as we don't do anything stupid.

I stepped into the kitchen, and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. I'm not technically allowed to drink yet, but my dad is pretty laid back with it if I don't get myself drunk enough to forget my own name. Absolutely no drinking and driving, either. Which is why I call up Dad to pick me up when I've been drinking at a party. I'm not an idiot, and I'm not trying to kill myself.

"Son," my father begins, "do you know what's up with Brynn? Something is definitely bothering her, but she won't tell me or your mother what it is."

Well, shit.

Don't tell him, Jersey.

You're a pretty good liar.

Remember when you said you didn't know who's condoms those were. Wait, no. You blamed that on Brynn. Whatever.

"Sorry, dad. I have no idea. In fact, I didn't even notice," I speak, "too tired, I guess."

He nods, and I can't help but feel more like hell with every lie that falls from my lips, but I had to lie. I couldn't betray my sister like that. I had to let her tell our parents.
Breaking my promise would make me the biggest asshole there is.

Sorry. That ship has sailed.

Did you guys like Jersey's pov? He's a lot different from Brynn, and it was kinda interesting to write. I might add these two into my one shot book. I haven't decided yet. Bye.

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