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I took a deep breath, feeling the anxiety leave my body instantly. Even though I keep telling myself that everything is
going to be alright, I haven't believed
it yet. I pushed a strand of my brown
hair out of my face, and stared at him.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" He asked me, concern evident in his blue eyes.

I still can't believe that he actually cared about me. That he actually loved me. He had told me many times how beautiful I am, but I just can't believe those words.

He was the captain of the football team, and future valedictorian of Cadence. He was friends with everyone, and I just had Ansely. The thought of his family liking me was very unlikely.

I stepped through the door of Adrian's
three story brick house. Walking in, I felt the smell of pinewood hit my nose. It was the same smell that always reminded me
of him. The scent was always on his hoodie, and all of his shirts. Pinewood was his signature scent, and I loved it.

"You must be Adrian's girlfriend. It's about damn time that he snatched up one," a boy, who I assume is his brother, laughed lightly.
He looked almost identical to Adrian. They both had the same dirty blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. He was kinda cute, I guess, but he wasn't my type. For starters, he did not smell like pinewood. He wasn't sporting a hoodie that I always manage to steal. And he was no Adrian.

I threw him a small smile in return, "yep. That's me. I'm Brynn," I pushed a strand
of my long brown hair behind my ear.

"Nice to meet you, Brynn," he grinned, "I'm Austin."

Was he flirting with me? I had no idea,
but I decided not to let my smile falter.
This was Adrian's family after all, and
I had to make a great first impression.

With Adrian's hand in mine, I followed
him and his brother into the kitchen to begin eating dinner.

"Oh, you must be Brynn! Adrian has told me so much about you. I'm Juila," a petite woman with a chestnut bob smiled softly
at me. She was wearing brown ankle boots in an attempt to increase her height, but it didn't change much. Her lips were coated
in a dark red that matched her sweater perfectly.

Noticing that Adrian's cheeks have tinted
a light pink, I let out a laugh. So far, his family seems so welcoming. Even though
I have only known them for a couple of minutes, I already feel like I'm a part of their family.

Not long later, I was sitting next to Adrian at their dinning room table. Conversation mostly consisted of my relationship with Adrian, which I didn't really mind. At one point, a question about my family came up, and I just smiled, telling them that we were doing great.

"So, Brynn," Allan, Adrian's father, began, "is Adrian your first boyfriend? I'm sorry if that's too personal. I just wanted to know a little more about you if you're going to be my future daughter-in-law."

Even though Adrian hasn't mentioned a future, I smiled anyway.

"Uh, yes. I have really never had a real relationship before Adrian. He pulled me out of my comfort zone, I guess." I couldn't help but smile a little as I relived the memory of our first date. It wasn't anything too fancy. It was just a small picnic in Time Square, but I loved it anyway.

For the tenth time that evening, Juila gushed over how cute she thought we
were. All the attention I was getting was
a little weird, but I brushed it aside. After all, they just wanted to get to know me.

"Mom, can we please talk about something else? You're embarrassing Brynn," Adrian pleaded. I laughed lightly. It was obvious that he was the one who was embarrassed.

With a wave of her hand, Juila dimissed his cry for help, "Oh, please. You spend pretty much every minute obsessing over her. Let us get to know the girl that makes you this happy."

Seeing that his cheeks have tinted from
the embarrassment, I grasped his hand in mine, and threw him a reassuring smile.

"Well, my grades are pretty good," I began, not really sure what they wanted to hear.

Juila shook her head, "that's not what I meant, honey. How's your social life?"

I shrugged casually, "Uh, I have a couple of friends, but they're family. Sometimes, I go to parties with Adrian when he wants me to. I have drank alcohol a few times, but never enough to get myself drunk. The
only other boyfriend I ever had is Adrian. I'm pretty shy, I guess."

She nodded, "Well, is there anything else that you feel is important?"

After talking about my family a bit more,
I followed Adrian up to his room because
he said he wanted to talk to me. Since those words were a bad sign, I was initially filled with dread, but I just shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts.

I took a seat on his light gray comforter, and gave him my full attention, "what did you want to talk about?" His bedroom gave off
a modern feel because of all the black and gray that filled the room. This isn't my first time being in here, but I still let my gaze waver like it was. Adrian's dirty blonde hair sat in an unorganized way upon his head. His bright blue eyes were rather captivating as he nervously played with
the ends of his hair.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way my family acted. I assume they made you feel pretty embarrassed."

I placed my hand upon his cheek, and gave him a soft smile, "there's no need for you to apologize. I appreciated their eagerness to welcome me into their home. No had ever made me feel as if I was more apart of their family than they did," I explained, meaning every word.

A small smile tugged at his lips, "well, I'm glad you felt welcomed. They'll be your family too one day."

They'll be your family too one day. Those simple words caused my cheeks to heat
up. I knew that he loved me, but he had never mentioned a future before. The thought alone brought a smile to my lips.

I know this might sound cheesy, but I wanted everything with him. Adrian
was my personal knight in shining

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