Chapter 12: Life is a bitch

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"Brooklyn!" Yelled Lucas, he just got home from football practice.
I wiped my tears and tried to go downstairs but once my eyes landed on a picture of me and Jake, I started crying again.
"Brooklyn what happened?!" Lucas demanded when he saw the state I was in.
"J-Jake kissed M-Madison," my voice cracked.
He clenched his fists in anger, "fucking bitch."
My heart was too broken to defend Jake so I just let him curse about him.
"I'm fine Lucas, you don't need to hurt him."
His eyes narrowed, "no you're not Brooklyn. He was the first guy you actually trusted but he ruined that."
"I said I was fine!" I shouted at my brother.
A growl escaped his lips, "fucking hell Brooklyn! You're not fine! He broke you but you're so damn stubborn to admit it because you think he loves but he doesn't!"
"He does love me," I whimpered.
Hearing it come out of someone else's mouth hurt me even more, especially my own brother...
"No he doesn't! Why can't you see that?! God you're being such a bitch!"
I clenched my fists. He didn't scare me like he used to when yelled at me, he was just making me mad.
"You don't know shit Lucas! Why can't you just shut up!"
I don't know what came over me but I punched him in the jaw.
He cursed under his breath but most of it I couldn't make out.
"All you are is a little slut that doesn't know when to give the fuck up!" He shouted while coming closer to me.
Tears glassed my eyes but I wouldn't let me see me cry.
I pushed him off me and ran down the stairs.
I couldn't deal with this right now.
What did I ever do to Lucas?
"Who the fuck are you?!" Someone seethed when I knocked on Jayce's door.
I sighed, I wasn't gonna lie. He was really scaring me but I wasn't gonna let him know that.
"I'm looking for Jayce."
He looked similar to Jake but his eyes were blue instead of brown.
He ran his hands down his face, "he's inside."
I nodded at him and the sight before my eyes was really scaring me.
"Jayce!" I screeched as I ran to him.
His face was covered in bruises and he was crying.
"What happened?"
He looked up at me with sad eyes, "my father hit me Brookie, he was drunk and hit me."
At this point, I wanted to kill Jason.
"What did Jake do?"
"He's not here," he sighed.
"Was your dad the one who answered the door?" I seethed, ready to hit him.
He shook his head, "no that was my best friend Dylan."
I placed my hand on my face, "it'll be okay Jayce, I promise."
"No it won't. Jason does it every night."
My eyes widened, "what? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to think I was weak," he whispered.
"You're not weak Jayce. He's just stupid. Stupid to see how great you are."
He gave me a small smile, "what am I supposed to do?"
"I don't know.... maybe you could live with me?" I suggested.
"There's no way that's happening."
I turned to see Jake, who looked pissed.
"Cut the bullshit Brynn. Jayce is not living with you and that's final."
"Can't you see he's hurting Jake?!," I paused and whispered under my breath, "besides I don't belong to you Jake."
A tear slipped down Jake's face, "what about me?" His voice cracked, "I've been hurting for two weeks because I couldn't see your face but you don't care. You came because of Jake not me."
"What about you making out with my worst enemy?! You didn't seem hurt then. Be honest with me Jake, did you sleep with her?" Tears were streaking down my face as I looked at his brown eyes.
"Brynn, I never slept with anyone. I'm a virgin," he muttered.
This shocked me very much. He's a virgin?!
"You haven't?"
"No.... I haven't. I never felt the need to sleep around with girls for the heck of it."
"You still maked out with her...." I whispered.
He stepped closer to me with tears in his eyes, "that meant nothing to me. I don't like her Brynn, I swear. I love you," he looked me in the eye, "I would never want to see the stars with anyone else Brynn."
My heart clenched at his words and I completated whether to forgive him or not.
He still kissed her!
But he loves you. For Christ's sakes, he wants to give his virginity to you!
I looked at my feet, "I love you too Jake...."
He pressed his lips to mine softly, "you were my first kiss too Brynn," he whispered in my ear.
My eyes widened, "really?"
He chuckled, "I don't play around Brynn. I wanted to kiss someone I really liked and that was you."
Now I felt guilty that I wasn't a virgin and my first kiss wasn't with him.
Obviously my virginity was given to Ryder Jones, the guy who raped me.
After him, it was Chase..... I regret it now but at the time I wanted it.
As for my first kiss, it was with this guy in middle school.
So basically Jake was none of my first and I was all of his.
It made me feel incredibly guilty that Chase was my first volunteeraily.
"Now I feel guilty that you were none of mine," I whispered.
He interwinded our fingers, "I'm just glad that you love me."
I smiled and kissed his lips again, "only you Jake."
Jake is a freaking virgin!! Is anyone else surprised?! Who's mad at Brooklyn right now? Wow Chase, Brooke? Anyone wanna kill Jason? Anyone want Jayce to have a girlfriend, if so who? Wow just wow💕

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