Chapter 14: Take it back

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I stared into the blue eyes of my little brother, the one I didn't know about.
"So you're Josh?"
He nodded, "yea. Are you my big brother?"
"Yea I am. I'm Jake."
He smiled, showing me his tooth gap, "hi Jakey."
I couldn't help but feel love for my little brother.
"What's his middle name dad?" I whispered.
A smile crossed my father's face, "his middle name is Dallas like yours."
Josh Dallas Kingston..... why does that name alone cause my heart to melt? What is wrong with me?
You felt love.
I tried to ignore that very truthful statement that I love someone other than Brooklyn, that I love a family member other than my dad. Well unless you count Jayce.... but I still hate that he has the same DNA as my evil step father.
See the irony there?
I felt a small tug on my jeans, "Jakey can you play cars with me?" He looked up to me with a pouty puppy face.
My father wore the biggest smile at our bond.
"This is my room," Josh gestured to the red and black bedroom with the race car bed.
My old room.
It looked almost exactly the same except the little boy with brown eyes hanging on the wall there was a little boy with blue eyes in its place.
There was a race track circling the floor and multiple boxes full of beloved cars were up against the red wall.
"Do you like it?" He asked with hopeful eyes.
I bent down one knee to meet his eye level, "I love it little bro."
He wrapped his little arms around my neck, "I love you Jakey."
My heart clenched at his words. He loves me?
"Do you hate me?" Tears filled his eyes as he looked at my dark brown eyes.
"I don't hate you Josh. I love you too."
"You do?!"
"Yes now I call the red car."
He giggled, "I get the blue one then."
For about an hour he raced our cars up and down the track. I felt like a little kid again.
"Daddy!" I screamed when my father walked in the front door.
"Jake!" He chuckled humorlessly.
"I lost a tooth!" I clapped while bouncing on my toes.
"Let me see."
I opened my mouth and pointed to the tooth, "see. Mommy says the tooth fairy is gonna come tonight."
"That she is son."
"Can you play cars with me after dinner?" I blinked my brown eyes at him.
"Of course Jake."
I grinned widely, "I call the red car."
He rolled his eyes, "I guess I'll just play with the blue car."
Flashback over.
"I love how kind you are with him Jake," Ashley smiled.
She placed her hands on her stomach, "hopefully this little one will like you as much as Josh does," she gave me a smile.
"Yea me too. You know I just met you and I see more of my mom then my own mother."
Tears filled her eyes, "really?"
I ran a hand through my hair, "yea I think you're perfect for my dad and a great role model for my little brother, better than Katie ever was to me. I know he loves you and I hope one day he'll love me just as much."
She smiled genuinely, "I know he does Jake. He looks up to you and I would love my daughter to look up to you too."
"What are you gonna name her?" I questioned.
"I'm thinking about either Abby or Addie, you know?"
I nodded, "I like Abby better."
"Me too but you're father prefers Addie."
"You should name her either Abby Lee or Addie Lee since it sounds kinda like Ashley."
She grinned, "I love that idea."
"When she comes can I take a picture?"
"Sure but why?"
"I want one of the whole family so I can act like I have one," I hated the way my voice cracked when I said that.
She gave me a sad smile, "you know any time you want you can hang out with Josh, he loves the park."
I grinned, "I loved the park too."
"He really is a lot like you Jake."
"Yea he reminds me of me when I was little, cheerful and michevous."
"You know I see you as a blood son too."
A smile reached my eyes when I realized I actually had a family. They might not all be blood but I loved them like my family.
I opened my front door with Josh trailing behind. He wanted to meet Brooklyn and have a movie marathon.
Of course I agreed.
"Brynn where are you?!"
"Dallas!" She grinned.
I wrapped my arms around her, "hey."
Her gaze immediately drifted to Josh, "who's he?"
"Hi I'm Josh! Are you Jakey's girlfriend?" He asked enthusiastically and Brooklyn blushed, "yea."
He just giggled, "I'm his little brother."
"Well nice to meet you I'm Brooklyn."
"You wanna have pizza too Brooky?"
"Sure, do I get to cuddle up next to you?"
"Ew no you can cuddle with Jakey."
I laughed at how his nose scrunched up when she asked if she could cuddle with him.
And even though I would never admit, I loved how he called me Jakey.
We stayed up half the night watching Disney movies while Brooklyn kept stealing my popcorn.
Josh just burst out laughing at the weirdest moments which caused all of us to laugh and of course Brooklyn got a picture of Josh asleep on me.
God I love these two.
We know that Jake can't resist that adorable little face.
Well Ashley sees him as a son! How many of you want to pinch Josh's little cheeks? Also who wants me to write a spin-off in Jayce's POV?

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