Y/N: Knife throwing? Making Lily? Tightrope walking? Why sodamn specific?"

Mako: those Guys used to be the Acrobatic club, but they split up cause of you two though.

Ryuko: Cause of us?"

Mako: Yup! Remember? When someone beats one of you, they get promoted to three star, but they have to be club president to do so. So they split up and made new ones."

While Mako explained that, Ryuko and me shared my lunchbox.

Y/N: well. That's gonna get rather annoying..."

Mako: they are desperate, more stars means a better life. That's how it works here."

Ryuko: Jeeez, that systems totally messed up....or maybe...it's perfect."

Aksis: I feel like whatever your planing is going to bite you in the ass big time."

Y/N: Then we feel the same."

Ryuko: Come on Y/N, pretty please."

Y/N: I know I'm gonna regret not stopping you, but I love you to much to say no... Fine."

Ryuko: Yessss, love you too bye."

Mako: Wait! What did you two say?! You love each other! When? Where? Why? I wanna knooooow!"

Y/N: Yesterday, Evening, cause we have feelings for each other."

With that Ryuko chuckled, sat up, and gave me a peck on the lip, stunning Mako completely.

After explaining mako why we are a couple now, ryuko sat in the middle of the courtyard, and placed a sign down 'Fight club' mako was holding a flag, and me, I just stood next to Ryuko.

Gamagoori: What's the meaning of this Matoi."

Y/N: wow, he didn't yell... Also can't you read? We are making our own club."

Ryuko: Exactly, a fight club."

Gamagoori: sure you are."

Ryuko: course we are, you force people to start all these lame clubs to take us down, Soo we are starting our own. Say hello to the president of the fight club, me."

Y/N: but Rule number one is, You do not talk about fight club."

Gamagoori: What does that even mean? Anyway, you really think a club like that will get approved?"

And on fucking que, Satsuki appears on top of her damn tower.

Satsuki: I approve this Fight Club of yours!"

Ryuko: here we go again, with her up there looking down at the other from up there."

Satsuki: I see you decided to take part in my system."

Ryuko: Yeah right! More like take apart your system and bring it down on top of you!"

Y/N: Drifter, calm down, your getting completely fired up again."

Satsuki: Listen to what your Boyfriend said, but don't let the club get to your head."
With that, she left as quickly as she came.

Gamagoori: Lets get your paperwork sorted out."
Out of nowhere a table was in front of Ryuko.

Y/N: That was a quick turn in your attitude big guy."

Gamagoori: Lady Satsuki made her decision I have to accept it. Matoi, are you sure you want to be president of this club. "

Ryuko: Yup. But I don't need a Goku Uniform, I got my Kamui, so i'm good."

Gamagoori: Understood, as Club President, you will submit aClub Activity log every Friday. Each month you will file an expense report and a request for next months budget. You will also have to file a club room request, a club member organization chard and a list of family. Aaand you will attend club president council meeting at 7am every day, no tardiness!"

Be my Shining Star: Kill la Kill (Male Reader x Ryuko Matoi)Where stories live. Discover now