Chapter 8

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"normal talking"
"Whispered or thinking"

Y/N p.o.v.

I woke up pretty early, just before everyone else. I tried to get up to head to the toilet, but I felt something holding me down. Looking a bit to my side, I saw that Ryuko was holding onto me very close. She had a big smile on her face, so I'm guessing she has a nice dream. I decided getting up can way, I don't want to wake her up. So I waited for her to wake up. She moved around a bit, before opening her eyes, looking right into mine, what fascinated me was, she didn't blush a lot. Then she smiled. Man I love her smile.

Ryuko: Morning Y/N."

Y/N: Morning Ryuko. Want to get up now?"
There was a short pause before she answered a bit unexpected.

Ryuko:we still have time right? Want to...stay like this a bit?"

Y/N: sure. "
Then she actually leans her head on my chest. I have to tell her I need a blood sample.

Y/N: hey Ryuko?"

Ryuko: Yeah?"

Y/N: on our way to school I want to tell you where I was yesterday, don't want to have any secrets from you. And I miiiight need a drip of your blood."

Ryuko: U-uhm...sure I guess... Okay let's get dressed, don't want to be late."

And so, we got to the usual morning routine. And as soon as we left the house I explained to Ryuko all the stuff that Aikuro explained to me yesterday. And that Aksis wants a drop of blood from her to be able to talk to her.


After school, and after Rescuing Mako..... again, we were all current sitting outside as Ryuko shrunk down her Scissor.

Y/N: neat trick Ryuko, when did ya learn that?"

Ryuko: well it's not really that big a deal."
After that Senketsu sighed.

Senketsu: Your blood has been pretty salty lately, it explains your cocky attitude."

Y/N: you can taste that?"

Senketsu: Yes, I can spot any change in her physicality from her weight to her BMI."
That chatched her of guard making her blush and me chuckle."

Ryuko: My BMI is non of your business!"

Senketsu: You should still cut back on the croquettes."

Ryuko: I eat whatever the hell I want! Look, I need to eat to keep up my energy if I'm fighting all these Forms don't I?!"

Y/N: Throwing tantrums is bad for you too, as is greasy food."

Ryuko: Would you shut up! And while that smug look of your face!"

Y/N: can he while a smug look of his face if he doesn't even have one?"

Senkesu: Thank you Y/N."

Ryuko: On which side are you on man!"

Mako: that's hilarious Ryuko, you and Y/N are like a comedy Triple, but only with two people."

She then popped a big lunch out of her uniform...wait how the hell does she hide that there?? Unpacking it, it was a lot of croquettes. She offered me one, bombarded with needles?! Da hell!

Ryuko/ Y/N: Mako!!"

Ryuko: mako, say something!"

???" Don't worry, your friend is ok, thanks to the effects of the Needles, when she wakes up, she'll be free from any fatigue, and cured from any sickness."

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