Ending 2: Safety.

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Monika felt herself shudder as she turned away from the girls. It made her feel like she was going to vomit, realizing how toxic she has been.

This can't be healthy for them...it isn't healthy. It's not right-

The room was quiet. None else spoke as Monika sat there and pondered. It hurt her when she realized that she was hurting the ones she loved so much for her own selfish gain. Out of anger, Monika made a disgruntled groan, sinking under the hospital beds sheets even more. This seemed to catch the girls attentions.

" Monika-please tell us..it's alright...we will forgive you-!" Sayori said, her voice quavered as if she was loosing hope. Monika put her hands over her head and looked at all the wires connected to her arms.

I can't run with all these..WIRES. It feels like a nightmare I can never escape! Is this what that..nightmare so many nights ago means?! Am I destined to fail them all?

" No..no no no- " Monika said to herself out loud. She felt the girls getting back up and trying to pull the sheets off of her face. " No- NO! STOP IT! " She screamed, thrashing her hands out at them with a sudden surge of Adrenalin.

" Monika, calm down! " Yuri yelped as Monika almost got her face. Monika kept throwing her arms out to get the girls to back away.

" BACK AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME! " Monika hissed and screamed. The girls gave each other nervous glances before backing up a few paces. Monika's breathing settled down slightly, but she still felt trapped and suffocated. She began tearing out the wires in her arms, wincing with pain at the little needles being pulled out, but she persisted.

" Monika stop! " Natsuki said quickly, getting up, but Sayori grabbed her arms and shook her head. Once all the wires were removed, Monika got off from the hospital bed, wobbling. The girls quickly went to grab her, Sayori grabbed her extended arm, Natsuki her waist, and Yuri her other arm. Monika yelped at how tightly they grabbed her arms.

" Stop this..now!" Yuri said in an angered tone, glaring at Monika who didn't look at them. " What is going on in your head? Why are you trying to run away! " Monika's fingers fiddled with the air as Monika tried to think of an answer.

" ....I love all of you...so much... " Monika said quietly. " I always have....always will.. " Everyone was quiet except for their heavy breathing. Monika felt their hands loosen slightly. " I wanted to make all of you happy. I wanted to be with all of you as much as I could cause I love you.. " Monika felt tears in her eyes and she looked at the ground, moving her body out of their grasps and limping to the door.

" But it all failed in the end, didn't it? " Monika asked, but ran out the hospital room doors before anyone could answer. She heard the girls call out to her and give chase, so Monika had to be quick.

Fix this all! FIX IT. Do what you have to..Make them happy again! GIVE THEM THEIR HAPPY ENDING!

Monika ran out of the hospital, the girls still ran after her, now panicked. Monika turned into the old Central Park and took a steep sprint to the bridge.


Monika ran for the bridge and began to climb on it's railing, but a hand grabbed her arm. Monika turned back to see whom it was.

" Please-! " All the girls pleaded at once. They looked at each other once again.

" Monika-you don't need to do this..! We love you-we all love you too...Please..come back with us. We can make each other happy.. " Sayori was sobbing intensely, her eyes were nearly shut as a flood of tears strolled down her cheeks.

" She is right.! We love you and nothing will ever change that! " Natsuki said in a quick tone. Yuri nodded in agreement. Monika felt touched.

" I..." Monika said in a quiet tone. " I am so happy...to hear you say that. " Monika was crying even worse now.

" Then..step off the bridge..lets go back to the hospital so you can heal-" Yuri said, but Monika deeply inhaled to cut her off.

" I can't. " Monika said solemnly. " I knew something terrible was going to happen, that I might hurt all of you, and I was right. I am toxic and it isn't right for any of you. So-.. " Monika smiled in tears at them.

" Monika don't! " Yuri grabbed Monika's arm just as she was about to fall off the side. Monika felt the air get knocked out of her as her arm pulled her back onto the sidewalks cement. " Oh my god! " The girls all embraced Monika, who was sobbing wildly.

" Why did you, " Monika sobbed, " save me? "

" Because we love you! " Sayori exclaimed in tears, hugging Monika tighter.

" And nothing c-can change that..! " Natsuki embraced Monika, burying her face in Monika's stomach.

" I...I.... " Monika sniffled. Sirens blazed on in the distance and they all looked up.


The police checked each girl for any fatal wounds and Monika was later questioned for her reasoning of a second suicide attempt. Monika's prescriptions were changed and soon all the girls moved into a house together to better make sure everyone was safe. Monika became less depressed and soon moved to a more vibrant state of mind. Now everyone can have their happy end.

( Happy Ending )

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