Chapter 5: Monika's Guidance (Part 1)

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Monika struggled sleeping that night. It seemed to stick to her mind how the others reacted in order to defend her from any further damage. Did they really care that much?

Monika felt someone shaking her awake gently, it was Sayori.

" Monika! It's time for us all to get ready for school! " She piped, seemingly in her usual mood Monika knew her to have. Monika nodded and patted her head, getting up. It seemed as if everyone else was already awake and getting themselves ready.

" Good morning everyone.. " Monika grumbled, still not fully awake or even in the present time. She was still thinking about last night, but Yuri snapped her back to reality.

" Are you alright..? You still seem out of it since yesterday. " Yuri put a hand on Monika's shoulder and gave her a reassuring look. " Don't worry. I asked the school council if we all can accompany you today in your classes. Since we all do have the same classes just different periods. " Monika gave Yuri a nod and a gentle smile.

" I would like that.. " Is all that Monika could muster without choking back in tears. Yuri realized Monika's hesitance and pat her back gently before walking off to finish getting ready. Monika did the same and began preparing for the day.


Monika was the first one to exit the house surprisingly. She sat on the steps and watched the passing cars and walkers. A few people smiled at her and waved, making her wave back. But, she didn't really care about anyone who passed by. They were strangers and would forget about her as quick as they knew her. Soon the door opened, the other girls walking out. Monika rose to her feet.

" Ready to go? " Monika asked and got nods from the other girls. They walked down the front steps and began heading in the direction of the school. There was a few minutes of silence before Sayori bumped in.

" So! What class do you have first Monika? " Sayori questioned, getting more excited the closer they got to the school.

" Hm. I have two periods of Language Arts. " Monika tapped her finger against her mouth, trying to remember her other classes and assignments for them.

" Oh cool! We can get that class out of the way first then! " Sayori clapped her hands and wrapped an arm around Natsuki as she laughed. Natsuki hissed at her, making Sayori let go with a chuckle.

" Monika..I heard from the principal that you have a music class..? " Yuri asked quietly, walking next to Monika as Natsuki and Sayori messed around with each other.

" Mhm. It's my favorite class. " Monika murmurer, making sure only Yuri could hear her. Yuri gave her a gentle nod.

" We're always here when you need us, Monika. " Yuri said without saying another word. The rest of the walk to school was quiet, but everyone made sure Monika was comfortable.


As they arrived to school the girls separated to head to lockers. Monika found her locked and opened it slowly, she realized that she had already had everything she needed, so she quickly shut her locked and speed walked to her class. She was quite excited to be able to send the day with everyone in the club, honestly.

Monika turned the corner of the hall and into her classroom, realizing the other girls had beaten her there already. They all were sitting at a table that had one empty seat, which must be hers so she went over and sat down.

Across from her sat Yuri, next to her Sayori and across from Sayori was Natsuki. Monika rested her head in her arms for a moment as she listened to the teacher beginning the lecture. Monika didn't pay much attention before the teacher called Monika.

" Monika, do you need to be excused? " The teacher asked quietly, making Monika question what was wrong. Monika raised her head and saw that she was digging her nails into her arm out of nervousness. 

" I..ergh...yes please.. " Monika sighed as she got up and covered her bleeding arm. Sayori sprang up and waved at the other girls to wait here. Sayori began escorting Monika to the infirmary. 

Sayori fiddled with her fingers before grabbing Monika's arm and inspecting it as they walked. Monika flinched as Sayori grabbed her arm a little too hard.

" Monika..! You need to stop doing..ergh..whatever that is! It's opening your previous cuts and it's not good for you!" Sayori whined, making Monika feel slightly guilty.

" Sorry Sayori. It's a force of habit. I just get nervous. " Monika rubbed the back of her head with her other arm since Sayori was not gonna let Monika's injured arm go. Sayori made a grumpy face as she kept glancing at Monika then her arm. Sayori then spoke quickly and quietly as they rounded the corner.

" Why are you depressed..?" Sayori asked, in a quickened pace. Monika was caught off guard, but she didn't think avoiding the question would do her any good. Sayori looked at Monika intensely.

" Well.. " Monika thought for a moment. Her mind pin pointed a few things. " I can only remember how I was pressured by my family and fellow students to be the perfect girl everyone expects.." Monika thought for a moment, but she couldn't pick anything else up. 

" Oh..that's not exactly fair for you is it..?" Sayori asked, her happy tone went to a more sympathetic tone as they entered the infirmary. Monika shook her head, rubbing Sayori's head slightly as she sat down on a nurses bed.

" Guess not. " She sighed. " But." Monika inhaled. " That's life, Sayori. For some people it just ins't fair, but...I have come to face the fact. " Monika shrugged. Sayori frowned as she would swab Monika's open wounds with a cotton ball. They sat in silence as Sayori wrapped Monika's arm with a bandage.

As Sayori finished bandaging Monika, she shot up to look at her in the face. 

" Monika..I want you to know we all care for you! And we don't want anything like..really bad happening to you! " Sayori grabbed Monika's cheeks and shoved Monika's face right in front of hers. " Got it? " Monika nodded. Sayori let go and Monika rubbed her cheeks since they stung slightly.

" Alright Sayori. How about we head back to class, the others are waiting for us..!" Monika gave a light smile to Sayori who flashed a smile back. 

" Race ya! " Sayori yelled as she began sprinting down the hall.

" You're on! " Monika followed.

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