Chapter 10: Tomorrow is Another Day, Monika

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Monika blinked her eyes a few times before moving to sit up. She heard a small squeak behind her and turned her head around. She realized she must have been sleeping in Sayori's lap...all nigh.

" A-agh! Sorry Monika-! I didn't think I should have woken you up so I" Sayori said nervously, tapping her fingers together. Monika rubbed her head and then put her nose on Sayori's fore head.

" It's okay! I appreciate your kindness, Sayori! " Monika got up, leaving a flustered Sayori on the couch. Monika went to the restroom and opened her pill bottle. She could feel a tension on the other side of the restroom door, so she quickly popped the required pills and a few extra. Just in case.

Monika slid the door open and found a Natsuki standing there with her arms folded. She seemed quite upset.

" Hand it over, Monika! " Natsuki sternly said as she held her hand out.

" Hand what over...? " Monika asked. She didn't understand.

" That! " Natsuki sternly pointed at Monika's pill bottle on the sink. Monika shook her head.

" Can't do that. " Monika stated, her cheery expression in her voice dying away. Natsuki began growing hot with agitation.

" Fine then! " Natsuki hissed as she pushed through Monika and snatched the bottle, running as fast as she could down the stairs.

" NATSUKI! " Monika yelled as she followed, waking Yuri up and soon getting yelled at by her as well. " GIVE THAT DAM BOTTLE BACK! " Natsuki was small, but quick. Monika made a vast attempt to snatch the bottle, but Natsuki threw it into the trash can and folded her arms victorious.

" Hah! Now we don't have to worry about those! " Natsuki clapped her hands together and turned back to Monika, who seemingly looked pissed. " Ergh- " Monika deeply inhaled. Yuri trudged down the stairs, Sayori looking into the kitchen where the commotion happened.

" What the hell is going on? " Yuri asked, still tired. Monika turned and brushed past them, now stressed. She trudged up the stairs and shut the bathroom door, locking it. Monika heard them talking, but she didn't pay attention.

She threw my pills away! I can't get another prescription for a week! I can't go on longer than an hour without them-!

Monika growled in stressful frustration as she threw her hand on her head. Monika heard knocking on the door.

" Monika-! Open the door! " Sayori peeped as she knocked. " C'mon! We're worried about you!" Monika seemingly had this new found anger and she threw a hair brush at the door and Sayori yelped, cowering down the stairs and fearfully talking back to the other girls.

God dam it! What the hell and I gonna do with no fucking pills?

Suddenly, Monika heard the sound of pick locking on the other side of the door.

No-they wouldn't dare..

The door swung open with Yuri glaring down at Monika. Monika looked at the floor, feeling Yuri's deadly glare.

She is serious this time..

" Monika. " Yuri said, agitated. " What the hell are you doing? Trying to overdose again? Not on our watch. " Monika heard Yuri turn around and whisper to the other girls, and then sudden sounds of agreement.

" Wait- " Monika looked up and saw the other girls glancing at her. " It was just-..."

" This once? " Natsuki spat. " Yah right! You tried this last time! " Monika looked back down in shame.  Natsuki gently hugged Monika, burying her face into her stomach. " Please don't do thing like t-that, Monika! " Natsuki sniffled, Monika looked surprised.

"I-...I'm sorry..." Monika tightly hugged Natsuki back, Natsuki's shoulders moving as if she was crying. " So sorry. " Monika whimpered back some tears as she hugged Natsuki even tighter.

"Monika-.." Sayori cried out and ran to embrace Monika into a hug, Yuri soon joined in. All of them hugged each other for a long moment of time, all of them in tears.

"Don't worry Monika.." Yuri said, hugging everyone tighter.

" Tomorrow is another day. "

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