Chapter 1: Welcome to the Literature Club!

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Monika walked down the hallway of the emptied school halls holding the fliers for her new club. She had to make this quick in order to head home in time to finish her homework, so she found popular hallways to place her posters.

" Hm. I wonder why no after-school activities are scheduled today. Probably because of upcoming rain showers with a chance of flooding.. " Monika peeked out of a nearby window and already saw it was pouring outside. And worst yet, she didn't bring an umbrella. 

She sighed and finished posting the fliers. She walked to the school's front door and stepped outside, instantly getting soaked by water.

"Ergh. I guess I'll need to make a run for it. " Monika groaned as she grabbed her hood less coat and sprinted down the road. Monika passed by multiple houses before she spotted hers, she ran inside and shut the door, locking it.

" Just another average day. " Monika sighed sitting in front of the door and putting her hands on her forehead. " I don't know how long I can keep doing this. " She grumbled, getting up and heading to the shower.


It was the next day and Monika felt less motivated than she did yesterday. But, she still heaved herself out of out of bed and put on her uniform. She took a cup of coffee and walked out of her house down the wet sidewalk. It was still raining but not as badly, so Monika felt no need to bring an umbrella. 

As Monika walked down the sidewalk she saw a slim girl with purple hair walking on the other side. She wore a black raincoat and was holding a black umbrella.

Was she another student? Hm. She looks like she enjoys literature. Maybe she can join my new club.

The girl made eye contact with Monika and began walking over. Monika looked forward at her and waited for her to cross the street.

The strange girl gave a slight bow. " Evening. I have noticed you had no umbrella..would you like to borrow mine..? " She asked politely. The girl seemed to stammer, but Monika didn't mind! She thought it was quite a nice gesture!

" Yes! Thank you..ergh..what is your name..?" Monika moved next to the girl under the umbrella.

" My name is Yuri, yours? " The girl asked, her eyes sparkled with curiosity. Monika cleared her throat slightly, the mist from the rain getting in her throat.

" I am Monika. " This seemed to take Yuri off guard. Though, the girl didn't respond, only nodded and began walking alongside me with us both under the umbrella. And soon, they arrived to the school. Monika suddenly had an idea.

" Hey, Yuri! Would you mind joining my literature club?" Monika asked, hopeful to get a member.

Yuri looked at Monika slightly shocked but nodded. " That would be wonderful. I was hopping to find a club, you just gave me some luck. " Monika smiled at the girl.

" Room 102! See you there after school!" Monika gave a gentle smile at Yuri. " Also, thanks for the umbrella!" Monika shouted as she was jogging off. Yuri watched Monika leave, putting a hand over her heart, blushing.


Monika walked into the empty club room and set down her school bag behind the podium. She looked around the club room and tapped her pencil on the desks wooden surface.

No bad, Monika...Not bad at all.

Monika heard the door creak open and saw Yuri followed by two shorter girls.

" Oh! You must have brought more members! " Monika excitedly clapped her hands together quietly. Yuri gave Monika a light smile.

" I knew that you just started this club seeing the date on the fliers so..I thought you may need a few more interested members. " Yuri said as she played with a string of her hair. Monika walked over to the girls and stood in front of a short, coral haired girl. She held her hand out to shake hands.

" Good evening! I am Monika! " Monika said enthusiastically. The coral haired girl quickly shook Monika's hand and responded in a slightly squeaky voice.

" I am Sayori! Glad to meet ya, Monika!" Monika chuckled at her enthusiasm, making the girl slightly go red. Monika walked over to the shorter, petite girl and held out her hand to shake it. The petite girl smacked Monika's hand away.

" Hmph. I'm Natsuki... " The petite girl, supposedly named Natsuki, angrily said. Monika smiled at her and mumbled ' You're kinda cute.' but Natsuki was not having it.

" I AM NOT CUTE-!" She hissed at Monika before storming off and taking a seat at a desk angrily. This made Monika burst into a gentle laughter, making her cover her mouth with her hand.

" Hehe! Looks like that's everyone! " Monika smiled sweetly at the girls as she walked to the podium. The girls all watched her walk to the podium and then took their seats.

" Anyways! Since it's almost time for us to go home, I have an idea! " Monika smiled as she clasped her hands together. " Lets make poems and share them with one another tomorrow! " As she said that, each girl gave a surprised look.


" Oh! Clubs dismissed! Have a good day everyone! Glad to have met you all! " Monika said as she exited the club room with her items. The other girls turned to each other and gave agressive glances to one another.

In their minds:

I will make the best poem for Monika!

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