Chapter 9: Hot Coco and Snuggles~!

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Monika let the girls back into her house and went into the kitchen. The girls placed themselves onto the couch in some comfy clothes as Monika began making her specialty, hot coco. It was a recipe that her grandmother had taught her before she passed away, and it was a dam good recipe.

Monika took the fresh cocoa powder and mixed it with some other ingredients before heating up the milk on the stove. Monika couldn't help but notice the quick glances Natsuki kept making into the kitchen.

I knew she loved to cook and bake, but does she really have the desire to supervise me and make sure I don't mess this up? 

Monika smiled to herself as she began mixing the cocoa power and the heated milk into warmed mugs. She even stuck a cinnamon stick with marshmallows into each one! That was not common for her to do.

Monika placed the mugs onto a tray and went into the living room where the other girls sat, already starting a movie. The movie was a classic: ' Home Alone '. Monika remembered watching that movie when she was younger. It brought back some memories.

Monika placed the tray with the hot coco onto the glass table in the center of the living room. The girls hastily grabbed a mug and took a sip. Monika waited to see what they thought.

" Hmph. Not as bad as I thought-good job. " Natsuki said as she looked away, blushing slightly. Monika didn't notice.

" This is so good, Monika! You need to teach me how to make this! " Sayori piped in, beginning to chug down her entire mug.

" This is delightful. It is very well made, Monika. " Yuri said with a smile. She gently took another sip of the coco. Monika smiled and walked back into the kitchen. Monika grabbed some vegetables and meats. She planned on making a nice dinner for the girls to enjoy, as a welcome.

" Hey! You are not cooking by yourself! " Natsuki trudged into the room and crossed her arms. " You're gonna need a real pro to help you..!" Natsuki walked next to Monika and began to mix spices for the meat, Monika chuckled and grabbed a knife frown the drawer. She began cutting the vegetables.

Natsuki had already began to pre-heat the oven, and Monika was cutting some onions, making her eyes water slightly. Natsuki looked at Monika and stood beside her, helping her clean the cut vegetables.

" Hey-! Y-your eyes are getting watery from those onions! I think we have enough so you can stop now!" Natsuki said quickly before handing Monika a towel to wipe her eyes. Monika walked over to the sink and washed her eyes out slightly, feeling them burn a bit. " B-better..?" Natsuki asked, patting Monika's back.

Monika deeply inhaled, her eyes feeling like they were raging in hell's fire.

" Yep! I'm fine! They're just onions Natsuki. Buuut I do appreciate you caring so much for me!" Monika smiled sweetly as she pat Natsuki's cheek, making her blush and look away.

" I-it's not like I like you or anything! I was j-just helping a friend out! " Natsuki stammered making Monika smile more. Natsuki quickly trudged off and put the meat in the oven, leaving Monika to prepare the vegetable soup.


Soon, the food was done and they began preparing plates for everyone. Monika started taking plates to Yuri and Sayori, who were sitting on the couch watching the same movie.

" Oh-! Thank you Monika!-...and..Natsuki. " Yuri said, smiling at Monika. Monika gave a gentle smiled back before handing Sayori her plate.

" FINALLY! I AM STARVING! " Sayori shoveled food into her mouth before looking at Monika, " Mmmfgh thanks! " Sayori gave a thumbs up as she talked with her mouth full, Monika chuckled. Natsuki and Monika sat down and began to eat. 

Monika was enjoying this! Spending time with her close friends and everyone seemed to get along! This is nice...really nice.

Monika felt her eyes grow a little bit heavy and she set her plate down on the table. Monika tried to focus on the movie, but she began to lean into the person next to her. She didn't even realize who it was, she was just so tired from the full day. Monika soon dozed off.

( Sayori's Perspective. More of a Third Person View. )

" Kya-!" Sayori whispered quietly as she felt Monika lean into her and doze off. Yuri and Natsuki both looked at Sayori and made a face.

Both of them: Dam it, should of sat there!

Sayori looked at Monika, who seemed to be extremely tired at the moment, and leaned herself against the arm of the couch. This allowed Monika to spread out more instead of being scrunched in a ball.

THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!! Sayori screamed in her head.

Sayori tried to focus on the movie, but she really just kept glancing at Monika as she peacefully slept on Sayori's lap.

Sayori could feel Monika's breathing and the occasional readjusting Monika did in her sleep. But if Sayori moved, she would wake Monika up. She realized the movie was ending and that she is stuck on the couch for the rest of the night.

" Alright, we should head upstairs. " Yuri said quietly, trying to keep her voice low. Sayori shook her head.

" If I move my leg, she's gonna wake up-!" She whisper yelled, making Monika wince in her sleep. Sayori covered her mouth slightly. " I should just stay here and wait it out." Yuri and Natsuki were reluctant, but didn't want to start a scene with Sayori.

Sayori pet Monika's head slightly before curling around Monika's sleeping body.

" Goodnight Monika. " Sayori whispered and a slight smile went on the sleeping Monika's face. Sayori blushed as she buried her nose into Monika's hair, falling asleep.

Today was a good day.

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