Chapter 3: I Wear the Mask for You

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Monika was surprised at the sudden notification, but she didn't mind. She had nothing on her schedule for this week anyways. What could a few new friends spending the night hurt?

" Sorry for the short notice, Monika. But..we feel like it's an easier way to bond. " Yuri calmly stated, glaring at the other girls secretly, annoyed by their presence. Monika just smiled and waved for them to come on in. The girls did so excitedly.

" I will show you to my room! We have extra mattresses so don't worry about bedding! " Monika said enthusiastically, but internally Monika felt like she needed a pill refill. Monika walked up the stairs, leading the girls to her room. " Just set your bags down anywhere! " They nodded and walked to parts of the room, setting their bags down. Monika dragged up three mattresses and set them down in various areas of her room.

" Wow Monika! Your house looks so cool! " Sayori exclaimed, dazzled by Monika's room. Monika just shrugged as she began setting up the final mattress.

" It's just a normal old house, nothing too special about it. " She grumbled, but in a kindly way. Sayori gave Monika a smile and threw herself onto her mattress. Monika waved her hands to everyone. " I'm going to use the restroom! " The girls nodded at her as Monika left the room to head to the restroom.

She quietly closed the restroom door. She opened the medicine cabinet and quickly grabbed her pill bottle.

" Just a few more pills wont hurt. It just...I need to keep my mind at ease.." Monika sighed as she twisted the bottle open and began pouring about five pills into her hand. She had already taken four this morning, two over the daily limit, she was really pushing her luck. She swallowed the pills and put the bottle back in the cabinet, once again shutting it's door.

Knock Knock.

" Monika? Are you alright? You have been in there for a while and some of us are getting worried! " Natsuki said on the other side of the door. " But, it's not like I WAS. I don't care what you do. " Monika glanced at the door and swallowed her last pill, making a coughing noise and covering her mouth.

" Yes, yes..! I-I am fine! " Monika said, her voice hoarse from the pills. She  looked at her hand that she coughed in and saw some blood. She quickly washed it off and exited the bathroom. Natsuki had already left, but as Monika entered the room, the girls looked at her relieved.

" Oh thank god.. " Yuri whispered to herself as she sighed in relief. Monika looked at them and inhaled.

" I am fine you know! Just-cleaning up and refreshing myself! " Monika said, giving an awkward smile. She was masking herself. A new personality. She was going to be the perfect girl they think she matter what it takes.

" Well, that's good! For a moment there we thought you w-!" Sayori was about to finish but Natsuki slammed her hands over her mouth and whispered angrily at her before releasing Sayori from her grip. " Never mind! " Sayori blurted out and shyly looked to the side. 

Monika sighed. I will never understand why they're worried will I? Am I that obvious?

Monika set down on her bed and looked through some papers as the other girls talked about general things like baking, puppies, books, Monika will never understand why people care about love. It's just something that people want to make themselves feel needed and less of a burden. But all Monika knew was that love was made you do things. Though, she doesn't know why she thinks was just always a thought she had.

" Hey Monika! It's about 12 PM and we DO have school tomorrow soooo..." Sayori tapped her fingers together. " Isn't it best if we all go to sleep? " Dam it!

Monika hadn't even realized how late it was! She nodded at them and began to get under her covers. Each of the girls said goodnight to each other. The girls soon fell asleep, all except Monika who began to feel ill.

" Ergh.. " Monika groaned as she sat up quietly. She glanced over and saw the girls fast asleep, so Monika rose to her feet. She stumbled to the bathroom quietly. She suddenly felt bile coming up her throat, making her lean over the toilet and puke. Monika wiped her mouth and saw a few blood droplets on her lips.

Oh god..why am I puking blood..?

( In the bed room. )

Yuri shot up, hearing the sound of what seemed like puking and rapid coughing. She looked around and saw Monika was not in her bed.


Yuri got up and began walking down the hallway to the source of the noise. She walked quietly as not to wake the others.

( Back to Monika. )

Monika felt some tears from her eyes as a reaction to puking. She began coughing a few times, coughing up more blood. Suddenly, she heard the door open behind her.

" Are you alri-..Monika!" Yuri screamed.

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