Chapter 18: Stay Alive!

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Sayori looked up and let out a scream, frozen in place. Natsuki shook Sayori, snapping her out of it. They all ran to Monika's aid, grabbing her legs and holding her up so she doesn't choke more than she already is. Yuri took a switch blade from her pocket and began cutting Monika's noose from the ceiling. Monika dropped to the floor, her eyes rolled in the back of her head and foam coming out the sides of her mouth.

" We need to call 911! " Natsuki shouted as she fumbled for her phone. Yuri was trying to preform CPR while Sayori stayed by Monika's side. A few moments later, maybe not even 15, the police arrived and took Monika into the ambulance. The girls all followed in a police vehicle, they all were worried sick.

Once they arrived at the hospital, the girls were blocked from following Monika to her hospital room.

" Hey! That's our friend! Let us through! " Natsuki shouted at one of the officers.

" Ma'am, we need you to wait here. She is not in condition for visitors. " An officer stated as the blocked their path. Yuri and Sayori complied quickly, soon taking Natsuki to the seating area as they all waited. Yuri was the first to speak.

" I can't believe none of us knew. " Yuri said quietly, staring at the floor.

" I mean..besides the pills, she seemed so happy with the world-" Sayori's voice croaked through her tears. " What made her want to kill herself..?" Sayori sobbed. Natsuki seemed angry, but she was obviously crying.

" I can't believe she didn't tell us! " Natsuki said sternly, wiping a tear away from the corner of her eye. All of them were devastated, but soon enough, a doctor came out and allowed them to go see Monika. They all speed walked down the hallway to Monika's hospital room, opening the door silently.

Monika was connected to many wires and IVs, she was resting and she looked more tired. Bags were under her eyes and she had multiple fresh cuts on her arms that were deeper than her older ones. Sayori was the first to burst into tears and collapse next to Monika's hospital bed.

" A-agh! Sayori, it's alright-! " Yuri quickly said, patting Sayori's back, but giving a solemn glance at Monika's resting body. " She seems to be having a nightmare.. " Yuri said quietly as they looked at Monika's expression. She seemed afraid, as if she was having a terrible nightmare. Suddenly, Monika jolted and gasped awake.

" I AM SORRY! " Monika suddenly screamed before wincing in pain and rubbing her throat. She didn't seem to realize they were in the room yet. Once she did, Monika began bursting to tears. " I'm sorry-! " was all she could repeat to them. They all gently hugged her at once, trying to comfort her.

" I-I had such a bad dream! I-I hurt you all...and it was all so real-! I-..I ruined everything! " Monika was sobbing through a stream of tears. Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori couldn't bare to see Monika in such distress. The girls let Monika go and Monika seemed to relax on the bed before falling back asleep.

" We should stay here with her-! " Sayori quickly said, sitting in a chair.

" Great idea. " Yuri said, keeping her eyes locked on Monika and not daring to look anywhere else.

" Yeah! " Natsuki said, looking as if she wanted to snuggled Monika to health. So, all the girls decided to stay the night at the hospital with Monika and to keep her company until she can return home.

The sun began to sink out of view. Monika had not awoken ever since her distress of the nightmare. Her heart rate has been all over the place, sometimes the nurses and doctors had to come in to make sure she wasn't dying or to shock her back to a normal pulse. They all were scared for Monika's life, but soon tiredness grew over them and they all fell asleep.

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