Chapter 2: Emotional Waves

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Monika walked into her house, rubbing the hand Natsuki slapped. She hit quite hard for someone her size!

Monika walked up to her room and sat on the edge of her bed, putting her hands on her head. She wondered how long she could keep this up. Wake up, go to school, go to the club, go home, sleep, repeat. It was too much of the same thing and none was going to change things for Monika.

But Monika didn't have time to dwell on herself, she had a poem to write and a club to run. Monika picked up her heart shaped pen and clicked it for usage. She set it down on the papaer and just kept it there for a moment thinking. Before she knew it, there was an ink puddle in the middle of her paper.

" Dam it!" Monika yelled as she crumbled the paper and threw it across the room. She slammed her hand on the table and yelled at herself for a moment before grabbing another piece of paper and writing a poem.


Monika finally finished her poem. She set it in her note book gently and frowned as she looked out the window. It was raining. The world must feel just as miserable as she does. Monika walked to her restroom and looked in the mirror. She saw her tired eyes and her hair was a mess from her anger fit. 

" Monika, Monika, Monika.." She sighed. " Think of what would happen if the students saw you now. " She grumbled to herself and opened the medicine cabinet. She grabbed her anti-depressants and popped a few pills in her mouth. She looked at the bottle.

' 2 pills per consumption. RISK OF OVERDOSE AND ADDICTION'

Monika sighed and popped some extra pills in her mouth, ignoring the warnings. She set the bottle back in the medicine cabinet and shut it. She put one hand over her sleeve and lifted it. Several cuts lined her arm. All Monika could do was give off another exhale of annoyance and roll her sleeve back down.

" I just need to read or book or work on the piano. That's all I need. " Monika sighed as she walked out of her room and down the stairs. She found the piano that rested in the far edge of her house and sat on its bench.

( If you want to hear what song she's playing, here it is -w-' )

Monika played the song with close precision. She played this song often and hummed the tune along with it. She watched her hands move swiftly from key to key, her eyes narrowed with every change of volume.

Monika was so into the song she didn't hear the knocking that soon silenced on her door.

( On the other end of the door.)

" that piano..?" Sayori murmurer to Natsuki and Yuri. They both nodded and pressed their ears against the door.

" Monika does live here alone. So this must be her playing. " Yuri said, with a slight sound of awe in her voice. She blushed thinking that Monika could play piano so beautifully. Natsuki rolled up her sleeves as the song reached its final notes.

" Alright! I'm gonna knock now..!" Natsuki yelled as she knocked roughly on the door three times.


Monika jumped at the sound of someone knocking on her door. Let alone as loudly as they did. Monika rushed to the door and opened it.

" Hello! What brings you he- Yuri, Sayori, Natsuki..? Hey guys! " Monika pushed a smile on her face. The girls were all holding bags and other objects. " What's all this..?" The girls all looked at each other before looking back at Monika.

" We're having a sleepover at your place!" Sayori squeaked out excitedly.

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