Chapter 34

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They're the size of peach...

Your P.O.V.

We had spent most of that morning in the studio. Tweaking songs for the newest album, as well as doing a bit of recording. So when the lads had finished I wasn't the least bit surprised to hear them mentioning grabbing a bite to eat. Between the banter about whether or not we should go to Nando's , Liam insisted that we stay in watching a couple of films and order Chinese. I wasn't going to argue either, as long as he got some lo mein.

"Well lads, we're going back to the hotel." He said clasping my arm.

"Bow-Chicka-Bow Wow" Louis mumbled.

I playfully swatted at his arm, "You're an arse."

"Watch it." He teased.

Three bowls of popcorn and half of the Harry Potter series later, Liam and I were completely exhausted. I sighed draping my arm around his chest.

"I wish you didn't have to go tomorrow.." Liam whispered.

You had nearly forgot that this was only a vacation and that tomorrow morning you would be getting on a plane, headed back home. It made me want to cry. I was still going through some morning sickness, so it was just nice knowing that he was there. Rather than me sitting on the floor, alone puking my guts out. I liked knowing he was there to rub my back if I wanted him to.

"Me either." I said burying my face into his chest.

"What time is you're flight?" He asked rubbing my arm.

"Not until 4:15." I said kicking myself for not picking a later return flight.

"Have you finished packing?" He croaked.

"Mostly, but I'm not worried too much." I sighed.

"Would I be a bad fiancé to hide your suit case?" He chuckled.

"Yes, and no." I smirked.

"Fiancé..." I thought. I liked the way it sounded drifting off of his lips.

"Good." He smirked.

We sat silently in the dimly lit hotel room, taking in each other. I thought about home. About work, about Jesse. JESSE! I completely forgot that to check in on him. He was watering the plants, and taking care of Loki for me while I was here, I should really call him. I checked my phone, seeing it was 1:45 in the morning here. He should be up. I looked up at Liam, who was fast alseep.

"Liam?" I whispered.

I gently lifted his arm off of me, placing it on his chest. I didn't want him to wake up, it would be to hard to try to explain why I was going off to call Jesse. I knew they weren't fond of each other, but he was still my friend.

I discreetly snuck out to the balcony as I scanned my contacts for his name. It didn't take more than two rings before he answered.

"Y/N! Hey! I was starting to think you'd been killed by a wallaby." He laughed.

"A wallaby? Really Jess?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, I hear that they can be very dangerous. Especially when they're with their gangs, so I would watch out." He added.

"I'll keep an eye out for them then. How's Loki?" I asked.

"Currently hogging one of my pillows, making my cat very jealous." He laughed.

"Yeah that sounds like Loki, that little shit." I smiled recalling all of the times that he barked at me or gotten in my face for attention.

"I can see he takes after you." He said.

"Hey, you know I only did that when I was sick!" I corrected.

"Then you must have been sick ALL the time!" He teased.

I sighed in defeat, stirring a chuckle from Jesse once more. A few moments passed before either of us spoke up.

"Y/N, I-"


"S-sorry you go." He stammered.

"I was just going to say, I'm flying home tomorrow and I realized I haven't called you once to check in." I laughed.

"Oh that's fine, figured you were out sight-seeing and what not, though I may have over watered one of your Ivy plants." He told me half heartedly.

"Yeah, I kinda expected that. What were you going to say?"

"O-oh just that I had dinner with my family today...and it was uh interesting to say the least."

"What?!" I gasped.

I knew all about Jesse's mother and her drinking habits. I knew how shitty Jesse felt when he had to leave his baby brother with his drunk mom to take care of him. I kept in touch with Jeremy even after Jesse and I broke up, and he had told me that she was getting better. Don't get me wrong she still drank, but from what it sounded like she could wake up the next morning she and remember the events that had played out that night.

"Ha, yeah. Crazy right?" He chuckled.

"What happened?!" I pressed.

"It was like a normal family dinner, I don't know."

"Well normal like the Brady Bunch or normal for your family?"

"Brady's. It was weird as fuck." He explained.

"What the hell. And your mom..?"

"Sober as a nun." He joked.


"Yeah, Jer says she's seeing a therapist and that she's been trying really hard to clean up." He added.

"Wow...thats good though, right?"

"Yeah I guess." He sighed.

I glanced at the clock; 12:37 a.m. "Listen, I have to get going, but we'll talk when I get back, okay?"

"Yeah okay. I'm still picking you up right?"

"Yes. I'll see you later."

"Alright, bye Y/N."

"Bye Jess."

I stuffed my phone into my phone and tried to discretely get back into bed with Liam. I was doing fine up until I slammed my foot into the corner of the bed frame.

"Fucking hell!" I hissed.

"Y/N? What happened?" Liam grumbled still half asleep.

"Nothing it's fine, I just broke my foot on the post." I told him with every ounce of sarcasm I had.

"Oh, that's good." Liam whispered turning himself over and burying his face in his pillow.

I rolled my eyes, and got into the bed. I nudged Liam's arm and he immediately wrapped it around me. I hated knowing that this was going to be the last time I got to sleep next to him for a long time.

A/N: I'm so, so sorry for not updating in ages. I'm a shit person, trying to sort out their life. I'm half tempted to use the Zayn left excuse, but that's just unrealistic. I'm working on it and I hope to updating on a regular basis.

Also I just added the toe-stubbing part because I did that shit not more than 10 minutes ago.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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