Chapter 29

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Niall's P.O.V.

"No, you don't wake him up, I'll just call back later." I said rambling.

Liam had come into the room and I didn't want him knowing that I was speaking with Y/N, because he would just ask to many questions.

What did you talk about?

Is she okay? Is something wrong with the baby?

Why didn't she call me?

Shit like that, and frankly I didn't have the patience to hear it. So it made it easier to pretend that I was talkin' to Greg or some family.

"Is Liam in the room..? Is that why you're being fucking weird?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah. I love you guys too, see ya in a couple days..yup bye." I said wanting to give her an answer and end the call as quickly as possible.

I locked the screen, and slid me phone into me pocket and sighed.

"Was that Greg?" Liam asked tossing me a water bottle.

I caught it, and cracked it open. I nodded, knowing if I said it aloud that it wouldn't ring as true.

"They coming to visit then?" He asked again.

"Uh- I think so. I mean hopefully Greg will be able to get off work." I said starting to bounce one of me legs up and down.

"Nice. Be sick seeing Theo again." Liam smiled.

I think he just wanted to be around as many kids as possible before Y/N had the baby, so he could 'practice' being a dad, even though anyone could agree that any of us are to be havin' kids he was the most prepared. He pointed at my bouncing leg and raised an eyebrow, "Something the matter?"

I stopped just as quickly as I had started. I shook my head, "No, why?"

" 'Cause ya do that thing with your leg when ya get anxious." He said sliding back in the hotels leather armchair.

I suddenly felt like I was in a therapy session, and Liam the doctor. I was just waiting for him to pull out a little note pad, and stroke a unusually small goatee.

"Don't know Payno, pre-show nerves I suppose." I said quickly.

"We haven't got a show for two days mate. Why the nerves?" He asked.

I was a terrible liar, dreadful really. It's why I don't play poker...or gamble for that matter.

"Uh-not sure, really...hoping I don't fuck up, when my family's here." I said trying to make some, if any sense.

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