Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.

I checked into the doctors office, and sat patiently waiting for my name to be called. As I looked around the fairly busy waiting room I saw an exhausted mother,who has three young boys. They were tugging and tapping at her arms.

She looked to me letting out a sigh, I gave her a synaptic smile and returned to me people watching. I also saw a pretty young woman with long wavy blonde hair.

She was at least eight months pregnant and before I could help myself,

I asked her "So when are you do?". Pointing at her stomach.

She seemed quite startled at first, but the tension in her face eased.

Wrapping her arms around her large belly she said "Um, about one month from today actually."

She patted her belly a few times before getting up. She waddled over, and sat down into the empty chair next to me.

Sticking out her hand she said "I'm Georgia Rose."

Grabbing hold of her hand, I smiled "(Y/N) (Y/L/N), it's nice to meet you."

My eyes then trailed back down to her stomach again. It was like she had a massive basketball attached to her front side! She giggled noticing to how much I was staring at her.

"It's going to be a little girl, we're going to be naming her Gemma." she said still chuckling.

I had to physically shake my head to stop myself from looking at her any


"Wow, t-thats a beautiful name." I whispered.

Thinking of how Harry would, more than likely name it after Gemma, that is if it was a girl. I let out a small chuckle. Georgia Rose grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeezed.

"Your going to be fine sweetie, everything you're gonna go's beyond worth it." She said giving me a warm smile.

"How, b-but I never...How'd you know?" I stammered.

"You have that same look. The one that I first had when I found out." She told me.

I smiled, giving my new found friend a hug, and my cell phone number when a young African American woman wearing blues scrubs came out from behind the door leading to the exam rooms.

"Ms. (Y/L/N)? The doctor will see you now."

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