Chapter 17

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Your P.O.V.

Sitting at the small coffee house, I squealed at the sight of my soon to be mother-in-law and sisters-in-laws. I seriously loved them. They were always so kind and loving. I ran up to Karen and hugged her tightly.

"Sweetheart! You look stunning!" She said.

"Thank you! You look fantastic too!" I exclaimed.

We all sat down and squealed about my baby bump, and then again at my engagement ring. Karen explained how it had been in the family for ages, and hopefully the tradition will be continued. So I assumed she had her hopes up for a little boy.

"When can you find out the gender?" Nicola asked.

Placing my hands on my stomach, I said "Uhh- in a few weeks hopefully."

"You'll call us right? Tell us what it's going to be? After Liam of course!" Ruth said.

"Well..." I found myself saying "...I think I'd rather wait until the baby comes to find out."

Nicola, Karen and Ruth looked surprised, but understanding. Karen is becoming a grandma, and Nicola and Ruth are becoming aunts. I guess they can't wait for the baby, I guess they're to excited. Not that I'm not excite, I'm just nervous too. I'm growing a human inside of me, I think I'm allowed to be a bit nervous! What if the baby gets hurt from something I do wrong? What if they're malnourished? Or deformed? What if they get some kind of disease? Not that it would make me love them any less, I just want the very best for my baby. I'd do anything for them.

"Do you think that I should find out?" I asked.

"We'll it's really up to you an Liam to decide. I suppose we're all just excited about shopping for him or her." Ruth chuckled.

She was right, it was up to Liam and I, as parents to find out the baby's gender. Even though knowing if they are going to be a boy or a girl would save time, money and would help us prepare for them better, not knowing almost seems perfect.

You develop this strong connection with this little being. For nine long months you carry them with you. You love them as a person, not as him, not as her, as a part of you. And when push comes to shove, you're going to love them with everything you have, and more. Ruth was right, I need to talk to Liam first.

"Yeah, I think Liam and I will talk about it tonight." I whispered.

We soon ended our chat and said our goodbyes. I began walking to my car when I was engulfed in a crowd of press members and fans. All yelling and screaming my name.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Are the rumors true?! Are you pregnant with One Directions, Liam Payne's, child?" The press shouted.

"Congratulations (Y/N)!" One girl screamed.

"Go daddy direction!" Someone shouted.

"Your baby will be per-fect!" Another yelled.

One of the girls caught my attention though. Was wearing a faded jumper with a pair of dirtied converse, and leggings. She reminded me of my little sister Maranda, with her dark hair and dark eyes. In her hands were an iPhone, and a small toy. A small toy that she care with much care, and love.

"(Y/N) I'm so happy for you and Liam! I want you to have my old teddy bear, for your baby!" A fan yelled handing me a small brown, patched up teddy.

I looked at her with tear in my eyes. I could tell that it must have been something she had kept dear to her. The way that the left ear had been stitched on what looked to be three or four times. Or the way it had a denim patch on its back, keeping the stuffing from falling out.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I questioned.

"Diana, after princess Diana." She said proudly.

"Absolutely gorgeous name! Will you promise me something Diana?" I asked.

"Anything" she squealed, practically shaking.

"Stay this person..." I said.

She looked quite confused, as did the press that now surrounded the two of us.

"...I think that you are beautiful. I've gotten to meet a lot of people. None of which who have been willing to give up something so precious to them. I've had some horrid things sent to me lately about myself, about Liam, about the baby and I haven't found a moment when I haven't thought about it, but when you gave me this bear, it all went away. Like it never happened. Diana you're an amazing person. I can tell that you care about people, and that your special. So promise me Diana that you are going to stay true to who you are."

Crying, Diana nodded and hugged me.

"Oh my god! (Y/N), I love you so much! Liam's so lucky to have you, you're amazing! I promise I'll stay the same as long as you promise me a perfect wedding for you two!" She whispered.

"Of course!" I said smiling.

I thanked her again for the teddy bear, and got into my car. I watched her walk over to her friends in complete shock. I watched her wipe away tears from her face and wave goodbye. I waved back and headed home with the newest member of the stuffed animal collection at the house. I know that the bear will mean more to me and the baby then any of the others though.


When I got home I found a sleeping Liam curled up on the couch. I kicked off my shoes, and slid down next to him, holding the small patched teddy bear between the three of us.

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