"I'm sure he doesn't hate you. Though you probably did some really embarrassing shit." Jo chuckled. He smacked her lightly on the arm.

"YOU are not helping."


As Dean sat at his desk, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, seeing a text from Jo.

Castiel is really upset. What did you do??

Dean sighed in frustration, looking up at her. She looked back at him intently.

You know, you really shouldn't be texting in class.


D: Don't worry. We're talking after class.

Jo: Look, I trust you, but I really hope you know what you're doing with this. Cas doesn't need anything else to ruin his perspective of relationships.

D: What do you mean?

Jo: I told you, he sleeps around. Doesn't trust anyone enough to date them. Doesn't think anyone could see him that way.


D: Point taken.

He looked longingly at Cas, seeing the hopelessness on his face as he talked to Jo.

I better not fuck this up.


After class, Cas and Jo watched the other kids rush out the door, and they stood back a ways. Dean watched them intently.

"Give me that," she said, taking his bag and slinging it over her unoccupied shoulder. "Now, I don't know what's going to happen, but you have to promise me one thing." She said looking at him seriously.

"What?" He asked.

"You have to tell me and Charlie everything afterwards." She laughed and he cracked a smile as he shooed her away. She walked out the door waving and Castiel made his way up to the front of the room, where Dean stood near his desk. Castiel slowly shut the door, as had become their custom as of late.

"I think this will be a door-shut kind of conversation, right?" He said, smiling shyly. Dean chuckled.

"Absolutely." He replied. Cas walked over and sat on one of the front row tables in front of Dean.

"Alright. Tell me all of the stupid, mortifying, horrible shit I put you through. I'm ready." Cas said unenthusiastically.

Dean took a deep breath. "I think it'll be easiest just to tell you everything that happened from when we left, sound good?" Cas nodded.

"Alright, so I told my brother I knew where you lived even though I didn't, and for the record, I still don't. Because of that, I had to stop and think about what to do, so I went to that patch of trees by the lake coming into town. I just didn't want anyone to ask any questions about what I was doing parked in some random parking lot with a passed out teenager in my backseat, you know?" He said awkwardly. Cas nodded, chuckling.

"Yeah, I can see how that would be problematic." He said.

"Exactly. I thought about taking you home and realized that your address was probably on your license, so while I was trying to find it, you, uh, you woke up." Dean flushed. "And realizing that you waking up to me with my hands all over your pants while you're passed out is probably the last thing you want, I kind of freaked out. But you," He cleared his throat. "You grabbed me and kissed me, and then you took my jacket off and yours, and then you got on top of me and took your shirt off, and then you attempted to take my pants off but I stopped you. And then you fell asleep, and I took you to Jo's. " Dean finished, blushing and shifting uncomfortably. Castiel's eyes were wide in disbelief. He just sat there, taking it in as his cheeks began to progressively heat up.

"I'm-I'm really sorry I made you deal with all of that." He said quietly.

"No, Cas, it's-I think you misunderstood me." Dean sputtered quickly, rushing towards him. He now stood directly in front of Castiel. "I'm not embarrassed or uncomfortable with it, the only reason I stopped you is because you weren't yourself, so I really didn't want you to do something that you might end up regretting." He said earnestly. Cas looked up at him, slightly confused.

"I wouldn't want to take advantage of you, Cas. Even if you were the one initiating." Dean smiled slightly at the last bit. Castiel stood suddenly, causing Dean to take a step back instinctively.

"So," Castiel said, stepping closer to Dean. "You were...enjoying yourself?" He said lowly. Dean saw a familiar spark beginning in his eyes. He moistened his lips.

"Can I be honest? Teacher student confidentiality?" Dean asked, his breath now mixing with Cas's as he shifted closer.

"Of course." Castiel said, eyes flitting to Dean's lips and back.

"It was pretty hard to stop you," Dean placed his hands delicately on Castiel's hips, fingers creeping underneath his shirt. "Especially when all I wanted to do was see how many tattoos I could find under those jeans." He whispered hoarsely into Castiel's ear, hands snaking up around his waist underneath his shirt.

All at once, Cas grabbed his face and kissed him roughly, backing them into the wooden desk behind him. Dean's legs hit the back of it as they went, and he lowered himself onto it. He licked Castiel's soft lips and was soon met by the younger boy's tongue in his mouth, exploring every crevice it could reach.

Dean's hands roamed from Castiel's bare back down to his ass, intently massaging the firm orbs. Dean gripped him and hoisted him up, his knees sliding onto the desk, their now solid erections grinding together in the process. Dean hissed. Cas cursed.

Cas ground his hips down into Dean's, causing Dean to moan rather loudly into his mouth. Cas's eyes shot towards the door with a window into the hall that had never looked so big before. They looked at each other.

"This might not be the best place for this." Castiel whispered hotly, still rolling his hips into Dean's.

"Ye-Yeah." He stammered, breathless. He forced himself to grab Castiel's waist and hoist him down off of the desk. He sat for a moment, catching his breath while he brushed over Cas's ribs with his fingers.

"Jesus Christ." He laughed.

"I guess that's my cue, huh?" Cas chuckled, stepping towards the door. Dean got up, following him. As he reached for the handle, Dean grabbed his shoulders, spinning him around and pushing him against the wall next to the door. He kissed him deeply once, then again, and went in once more, but Cas attacked his neck with his tongue. Dean shuddered.

When he felt Cas lift off of his neck, he nearly whimpered at the loss. Cas looked at him seriously.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. Dean nodded vigorously.

"You don't mind that I'm older than you?" Dean asked, tracing his fingers along Castiel's jaw. Castiel shook his head.

"You're only 22, right?" He asked, sliding a hand under Dean's shirt. Dean nodded.

"We can't tell anyone about this." Cas said hesitantly. "I don't want you getting arrested or fired."

"Alright, so not even Jo." Dean said. Castiel nodded. They looked at each other before connecting their lips once more.

Cas pulled away, breathing hard.

"I should go before someone finds us." He said without moving. Dean lifted off of him, giving him space. Cas pecked him on the lips once more before scooting out from between Dean and the wall. He grabbed the door handle, twisting it before turning back to Dean.

"Tomorrow?" Dean said eagerly.

"Until tomorrow, Dean." Cas said suavely, before exiting the steamy classroom.

Dean exhaled happily before looking down at the very obvious bulge in his slacks.


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