God, he must think I'm such a creep.

"I just-I knew someone there." He stuttered. Castiel hesitated.

"Do-Do I...know you already?"


"No no, it wasn't you." He said quickly. Cas fell silent.

"Oh. Okay." He almost sounded disappointed. "I should go." He said hollowly.

"Yeah, okay." Dean said shakily. He heard the telltale click of hanging up and lowered his phone from his ear, hoping he hadn't fucked up too badly.


Castiel shut his phone off, tossing it onto his bed. He walked towards his window, looking out into his neighbors yard as their dog chased a rabbit down underneath a tree. He felt so incredibly and inexplicably BAD . He thought about why it felt so terrible to be talking to someone that excited and intrigued him so much.

I guess it could be that I'm wary of how much older he is, but I don't think it's just that if it's that at all. I guess there's always the fact that he could have done something to me that Jo and I don't know about, but I think I would have felt something when i woke up. And why would he still be talking to me if he did? I don't think he's suspicious.

He leaned against the cool glass of the window, closing his eyes. The more he thought about it, the closer he got to acknowledging the answer.

I just want him to be Dean.


A week later, Castiel walked into English sulking, as he had been the entire day. He looked over at Dean's desk, looking away solemnly when he saw that it was empty. He plopped down next to Jo.

"Mystery man again?" She asked. He had been talking to him every other day or so the past week.

"I'm just so confused. You both say he's not someone I know but," he put his chin in his hands, "I don't know, maybe I was just really HOPING it was." He finished, looking over once more at Dean's empty desk.

Jo looked at him, worried.

"Cassie, are you okay?" She said. He turned to look at her, but the sound of the bell and hurried movements caught his attention before he could answer.

As the bell rang, Dean flew in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey, sorry guys. I have the tests from last week graded, I'll pass them out and then we'll get started."

He took a stack off of his desk and began flitting around the room. He looked at one paper, eyes shooting to Cas before shuffling it to the back of the pile. As he handed out the last paper, he walked up to Cas, setting it on the table in front of him. Cas looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Hey, no drawings this time??" He said with a half-hearted smile.

Castiel blushed.

"Oh, sorry. I just-I uh" he stammered.

"Hey, it's alright. Just missed it, is all." Dean said, patting him on the shoulder once and smiling.

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielWhere stories live. Discover now