Chapter 2 : Who is he?

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It was 5 minutes before the next period started. I ran to class with my bag barely hanging over my shoulder. I definitely don't wanna be late for class.

"I'll see you guys later!" I called to Adam and Derin who were going the opposite directions.

"Alright!" Adam shouted back.

I was just about to push the door opened when one of my sticky notes just slipped out of the pages of my book and fell onto the floor. I bent down to pick it up and that was when my head suddenly bumped into someone. I think it was a boy. Crap! It did knock me down the floor.

"HEY!?" I shouted while rubbing the sore on my forehead.

I didn't look at the person but he did get down on his knees to look at me. I glanced up and saw a pair of bright blue eyes that regarded me shrewdly. He's got a very penetrative and intense eyes. Actually, I was intimidated by his gaze. I could see the flame in his eyes was burning. It was like his eyes were peering into my soul. What? He knocked me down in the first place and now he's mad at me? I mean who does that?

"Excuse me! Aren't you gonna say sorry or something?" I scowled at him but he didn't seem threaten at all by my expression.

"I don't have to. You were in my way!" he said in an arrogant kind of way. I noticed that his English accent was thick. What's he doing here anyway? He stood up, walked past me and left without saying another word.

Oh my God! How rude can you get?! Calm down, Camila. Take a deep breath. Just let him be. I exhaled slowly and stood up. I picked up my note from the floor and made my way into class.


It was already 4 when the last period of the day ended. I gathered all of my books, shoved them into my bag and got out of class to meet Adam and Derin.

"Guys! Wait up!" I called when I saw them walking towards the school exit.

"Where have you been? We thought you left already." Adam said.

"Sorry. Mrs. Layla dismissed us a little bit late today." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Come on. Let's go home. My feet are killing me." Derin exaggerated.

I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket which indicated that I've just received a text. I dug it out of my pocket and I saw the text was from my sister. I unlocked my phone to read it.

Mia : Hey, little sis. I'm picking you up after

Me : Okay.

After I replied her text, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued walking out of the school building.

"You guys go ahead. Mia's gonna be picking me up." I informed them.

"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow, Camila." Derin said, pulling me into a big hug.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I waved them goodbye.

In about 5 minutes later, Mia arrived with her red Volkswagen Polo that dad gave her for her 21th birthday last year. I walked towards the vehicle and climbed into the passenger's seat. I fastened the seatbelt and she started driving.

"How's school, little sis?" she asked, showing off her dimpled smile.

"It was okay." I pouted, reminiscing the memory of me being knocked down the floor by an asshole. Who is he anyway? I thought to myself.

"I know you're lying. Come on. Tell me." she pinched my nose.

"Fine. There was this guy but I don't know what his name is and he knocked me down the floor earlier today when I was picking up my note." I explained.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" she looked over at me to examine my condition.

"I'm okay. It was not a big deal. Just let it go." I tried to shut her out of this.

"If you insist." she put her focus back on the road.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 4.30 when I got home. I made my way upstairs to my room to take a short nap. I took my hijab off and set the alarm at 5.15 to perform Asr prayer. As soon as I rested my head on the pillow, I was drifted off into an exhausted sleep.

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