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It was exactly after his shower that he found out that his wallet was empty.

Yoongi hadn't thought to check it out at any point because he hadn't felt the need to, for it had been tucked away securely in his holdall bag the entire night, transferred into his jeans pocket during the day for convenience. So he had woken up with the idea of checking it right at the back of his mind, more preoccupied with the thoughts of smoking his first cigarette of the day and picking at the remains of food from yesterday just because he could feel Seokjin's eyes on him the entire time and it wasn't worth the trouble avoiding eating. He had chewed a few mouthfuls of rice cake just for the sake of it and struggled to swallow the dry chunks, practically sticking in his throat like rocks, and then he had taken his usual position on the sill across the room to smoke; window open and not letting in a breeze at all but rather just allowing ample sunlight in to bake the skin on his face and arms. Namjoon had joked about him finally getting a little colour, own tanned arms on display as he had collected trash up to toss it into the dumpster just across the lot. He had rolled his eyes in response and had tapped more ash onto the carpet that was littered with stubbed out sticks, matches, and other random items like pen lids and bottle caps. From the other room had come the sound of the boys, signalling that they were all wide awake and likely tearing the place apart as they packed up. Yoongi had already packed most of his stuff away, leaving clean underwear and a tee out to get changed into, and he had let his friends get washed up first because he hadn't had the energy to do so upon waking up. Another night of fractured sleep, time spent between smoking and worrying, mostly over Hoseok and what he had said about the antidepressants.

Had he been correct? Or had he just assumed that to be the case and been a little too forward? He wasn't sure but it seemed correct to him, but perhaps he shouldn't have blurted it out so carelessly? It probably should have come from the boy's mouth rather than his but the chances of him saying something were slim. The fact that he hadn't already told them meant he was either planning on not doing so, or that he was waiting for the ideal time. If it was the latter then he had probably fucked it up for him. The kids might not know so there was that, but they could be very quick and keen on things, so they might have already figured it out too.

Yoongi had washed up quickly just so that he couldn't possibly delay the gang, dressing even as his hair had still been damp and dripping, brushing his teeth as he had shoved everything away in his holdall. He had been in the act of going to zip it up when he had noticed his wallet lying in the main compartment. For a few seconds he had just stared at it, blinking languidly as he eyed the worn leather.

He never left it in the main compartment during the night. It went into one of the smaller side ones instead. But now it was in the main and he didn't know why. He opened the smaller one where his phone should have been and yet it was empty save for his charger, the wire curled up around the plug head snugly.

Yoongi reached inside and pulled his wallet free in confusion, hearing the other young men talking to each other but not really what they were talking about: words distant nonsense to his ears. He ran his thumb along the leather slowly before thumbing it open. It felt somewhat different and yet he couldn't seem to figure out why, or at least until he opened it and saw that the note compartment was free of money. No cash, no notes. He unzipped the inner section and saw no glinting coins inside. At the back of his mind he could feel panic clouding, yet he felt oddly calm and detached as he tipped it upside down. Not even a piece of lint fell out. He turned it right ways up and then scanned the little holders in the side of the wallet. No cards. Yoongi dropped the wallet on the bed and then patted his jeans pockets even though he knew there was nothing inside them. After coming up empty handed he actually checked his wallet again just to be sure that he hadn't somehow missed the cash, even though he knew it was a ridiculous thought. He glanced over at his friends and then went over to the settee to check Namjoon's bag, and only when he had pulled his friend's wallet free did Seokjin notice what he was doing and ask him why he was rooting through the holdall.

Brotherhood  BTS AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon