Chase Me

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Hoseok opened his eyes and for a moment he was confused, mind still foggy from sleep to register what he was seeing. But then he remembered where they were and it suddenly hit him that he wasn't lying on a freight train right now but rather in a bed, a hostel bed. He was sharing a hostel bed with Taehyung and he couldn't see him but he could feel him alright. The boy was lying in front of him, head not on the pillow but rather on the mattress so that he could bury his face against his chest. Even through his tee he could feel the warmth of his breath. There was a slight dent in the pillow to show him that he had been using it at some point before he decided to use him as a one instead. He stared at the light blue fabric before moving his head ever so slightly, and then he felt the boy's hair against his chin, the crown of his head. Moving to get out of bed was going to prove a trifle difficult seen as the boy was almost glued to him and after a few seconds he realised that he could feel something else too. A weight on his lower legs that most certainly felt like a body.

Hoseok lifted his head so that he could look down, trying to not knock Taehyung and disturb him in his sleep. The sight that the new angle revealed was one that confused him greatly. Jungkook was lying on the bottom of the bed, curled up so that he was on both of their legs. The position didn't look comfortable and yet the boy was fast asleep, legs tucked up tightly against his chest hugging one of the pillows Namjoon had given him last night. The boy had volunteered to sleep on the battered settee across the room even though he was a little too tall to fit onto it, and yet at some point the boy had moved onto their bed instead. Had he possibly had trouble sleeping and it had given him a strange comfort to share the bed, even if it was just a little space at the bottom? It reminded him of how he had kicked Taehyung to the bottom of the bed just those couple of days ago, before everything had went crazy, and yet the boy was now sharing with him no problem.

Because he's not drunk, he thought, having to suppress a laugh just in case the movement woke Taehyung up. That was partly the reason but mostly it was because the other boy had at least confessed his feelings to him and gotten it out in the open. Hoseok felt that he could trust him more now that he knew, now that Taehyung was willing to talk to him at least rather than play dumb and then try and kiss and touch him at the most inconvenient of times. The awkward hurdle that the boy had put up over the past few months had finally been cleared and he felt a sense of relief at this, for he had struggled immensely with trying to talk about anything with him; one of the reasons he had been so set upon keeping his Xanax treatment to himself. If he couldn't tell Taehyung something then he really didn't know who he could tell, but now he didn't need to worry about that at all. Not only had he already blurted everything out but he had also managed to get the boy to talk to him; a two birds with one stone situation.

" go back to sleep." There was a sleepy mumble from behind him and then a laugh that knew belonged to Seokjin. Their eldest friend was laughing at Namjoon because he had undoubtedly woken up and tried to make the other young man do so too, and Namjoon most certainly did not want to.

"Fine, a few more minutes." The sound of bed springs creaking softly and then his friend walking across the room to go into the bathroom. Hoseok contemplated trying to disengage himself from Taehyung's arms and sit up when the other boy made a noise in his sleep and then shifted. His face brushed against his chest and then he tried to roll onto his back, struggling to do so because his legs were pinned underneath the other boy's weight.

"...The fuck?" Taehyung lifted his head to study the sight too. He squinted at Jungkook before putting his head back down on the pillow, reaching up to place the back of his arm over his eyes like an eye mask.

"You look wrecked," Hoseok said with a grin and the other boy's lips twitched at the corners. From the bathroom came the soft sound of humming and then water running, hitting the porcelain tub like rain on windowpanes. "Did you sleep OK?"

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