Railway Children

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The view outside the open carriage doorway was a rather wonderful one to see and he contemplated waking the others up so that they could see it too. Namjoon knew that they would grumble and complain, would kick out at him and call him an idiot for waking them up at this hour, but he felt that he really should let them see it too. It wasn't like he had a camera with which to document it with, didn't even have his phone anymore so he could take a few shots and show them all later. No, he only had his own eyes and words and they would never come close to explaining what he was looking at. After some thought he decided to try it and see what happened. He reasoned that they would either wake up together or maybe just one or two, maybe none at all, but it was better than keeping this to himself. So he got on his hands and knees and crawled over to the others, who were huddled around the interior of the carriage messily. Closest to him was Jungkook, the boy nestled under the eldest's coat just like always so that he could only see his forehead and a fall of dark brown hair on his holdall bag. It took a few hard shoves to get a reaction after his voice and gentle proddings didn't work, but the boy did open his eyes and ask him 'what?' and that was at least a reaction. Namjoon explained why he had woken him up and Jungkook took a moment to process this before sitting up fully, coat falling off him and puddling on his lap. The boy stretched his arms with a mumble and he moved onto the next. Seokjin didn't require shaking at all and rather he moved at the sound of his name being spoken, rolling over and squinting at him. He didn't even need an explanation before he shifted to get up, rubbing at his eyes as he did. Two awake, four more to go. Namjoon crawled across the carriage to where Yoongi and Jimin were lying; the former burrowed against the latter's back so that he could only see his red hair and none of his face, arms so tight around his waist that he thought it was a miracle the boy could even breathe. It took a few shakes of his shoulder to get Jimin to react and when he jerked awake it disturbed the young man.

"...table like that," Yoongi mumbled in his sleep, "'cos...warm and...soft."

"Hey, wake up man," Namjoon said with a grin as he grabbed hold his upper arm and shook him too.

"Don't wanna..." Yoongi whined but he managed to pull him up into the sitting position. Jimin was still lying on the floor but he was at least awake and looking at them both. "Shit Joonie I just fell asleep!"

"Yeah yeah, you've been asleep for hours now stop talking shit." Namjoon got to his feet and crossed the carriage to get to the open doorway at the very end. He had noticed the two other boys' absence upon waking and had known that they had sneaked into the other one at some point last night. He could only assume why. When he glanced across the gap he could see a large metal contraption down between both of the carriages and a slight platform on each with a little railing to hold onto.

"Hey Tae!" he called, leaning against the open doorway and looking at the two sleeping boys in the other carriage. At his call the boy sat upright suddenly, hair messily corkscrewed up in places.

"What the fuck man?!"

"Come see this!"

"See what?!" Taehyung shouted back, tone tired and a little like a petulant whine. He didn't want to be awake right now, that much was clear.

"Just come and see!"

"What's so fucking important that I gotta see it, huh?!" Hoseok shifted at his hollering and he saw the boy reaching up to cover his ears. "Is Yoongi stripping or something?!"

"No, but I'll tell him that you really wanna see that!"

"I'd pay!" The boy tried to flatten his hair for a moment before looking down at Hoseok and saying something to him. He didn't hear what, could only see his lips moving from across the gap in the carriages, but a few seconds later the other boy sat up and struggled to get up to his feet. He helped Taehyung up, or more likely dragged him upright, and then they both moved to get to the open doorway so he moved to go back across the carriage. A moment later he heard their feet clomping on the metal flooring, signaling that they were inside with the rest of them.

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