Fuck You

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Jungkook wasn't particularly a car person. His father owned one, a model he didn't recognise nor care about but apparently boasted low energy emissions to help save the planet. In his opinion, if someone wanted to save the planet then walking would probably be a smarter option. The leg room was cramped and the seats not that comfortable for the price tag which was why he much preferred walking to school. It hadn't even crossed his mind that a vehicle of some kind would have really helped them out, would have gotten them from city to city in a few hours rather than two entire days, and when the car pulled up in front of them he had just stared at it blankly, wondering who was going to climb out. Possibly someone dropping a friend or relative off at the station to board a coach? He had even been about to look away when their friend's head had popped out of the window and he had felt his jaw dropping open in complete confusion. What the hell was he doing in the car? Was he getting a lift off a stranger? Yet the wide grin on his face had been enough to show him that that was not the case at all.

"Sorry I'm late, but I think this makes up for it, huh?" And Namjoon held his hand up to dangle the keys in front of him, and that had been the final piece of the puzzle snapping in place for him. The young man had the keys and was sitting in the driver-seat because he had driven the car to them, because he seemed to own the car even though the idea was so absurd he couldn't possibly figure out how or why. Judging from his friends stunned silence they didn't have a clue either and there was nearly an entire minute of silence before one of them broke it.

"What. The. Fuck?" Yoongi asked, punctuating each word with a pause and summing all of their thoughts up in just three simple syllables. He even had his mouth hanging open as widely as his, and had he had a cigarette between his lips it would have been been burning a hole right through his jeans by now.

Jungkook slowly ran his eyes over the vehicle to take it all in, seeing that the paint all over the body was a medium blue like faded denim. The shape was long and had a rectangle-shaped hood and boot that made it look somewhat vintage. Long and wide windows set into chrome and low headlights shaped like circles rather than squared. He saw some wear on the paint so that the metal underneath was on show, rusted from age, and that one of the windshield wipers was missing. It wasn't a new car, that much was certain, but it still looked in pretty good condition and that was just the exterior and not the interior, the engines seemingly in a good way judging from the sound it had made just a few seconds ago.

"A Chevy 1960 Impala Convertible as I live and fucking breathe!" Taehyung declared before whistling under his breath and racing over to run his hand along the hood. "Hot damn!"

"OK, so are we getting an explanation for all of this?" Hoseok asked dumbly and Namjoon popped the door open before stepping onto the sidewalk. He stretched his legs and then leaned back against the side of the car. "Because I really need one right now."

"Won it in a bet," he replied with a wide smirk, "well actually, I won it playing poker if you can believe that? I can't, I'm still reeling from it but hey, talk about crazy good luck, right?" Namjoon was playing with the keys, fingering the ring so that it tinkled melodically between his fingers. Taehyung was still observing the vehicle with wide eyes, expression showing that he was keen and interested, eyeing it like a slice of cake. Yoongi also got to his feet to wander over and glance in through the open door at the dashboard. "I mean, it's not brand spanking new or anything like that but we woke up this morning robbed of pretty much all of our cash and now...now we have a fucking car." Namjoon started laughing and after a few seconds they couldn't help but join in. He had finally explained it all up for them, put the entire situation into perspective, and it really was so insane that Jungkook briefly wondered if he was actually awake and reached down to pinch between his thumb and forefinger hard. He didn't wake up of course, because he was already awake. "And Choi actually told me to not gamble outside of Seoul. Shit, I nearly took his advice."

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