I'm Right Here Buddy

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The first thing that Yoongi noticed when he pulled the blinds up was that the sky was a strange shade of grey. For the past two weeks there had been barely more than a sparse scattering of clouds at any given time over the course of every day, barely enough to give any shade or relief from the heat and harsh sun, yet today was different. Today the sky was not a vivid blue like something from a tourist brochure, nor was it even a paler shade, it was slate grey; the colour of the concrete path right outside the door. He saw not one cloud, or as many as three, he saw an entire bank of them rolling low along the horizon. For some reason the sight of them him feel a strange uneasiness that he couldn't seem to figure out. It was almost like the weather was a bad sign but he didn't know how it could possibly be one. Considering everything that had happened over the past few days he thought that the bad sign had missed its window and was now terribly late.

"What're you looking at?" Yoongi tried to not jump in surprise at the boy's voice but he didn't hide his surprise very well for when he glanced over his shoulder he saw Jimin's lips lifting in a soft smirk.

"The weather," he replied as he shifted and tried to not look embarrassed. He hadn't thought that anyone would be awake at this hour and he had gotten ready without seeing a single one of his roommates stirring, yet whilst he had been distracted by the window Jimin had caught him by surprise. A quick glance across the room showed that Namjoon was still asleep in his single bed and he briefly wondered if Seokjin was too.

Yesterday had been eventful to say the least. When Yoongi had returned back from working just a few hours cleaning up a park in the city centre he had found out that Hoseok had had a little try at a rebellion, attempting to get out of the hostel room whilst Seokjin had been out and Jungkook had been left alone with him. The boy had clearly been angry or upset over something to react in such a way, very unlike his usual behaviour that it was pretty obvious to him why the boy had done it. Hoseok had wanted his pills and for whatever reason he hadn't been able to get his hands on them. Though no one had told him that explicitly Yoongi knew that it was the case. He recalled suggesting that they take them out of his backpack just in case and though Seokjin had said that it was invasive and wrong to do so it seemed that someone had already beaten him to the punch and snatched them first. Whoever had done it, Yoongi wanted to kiss them and thank them over and over. Though the boy didn't know it they were trying to help him. Fighting an addiction wasn't going to be easy under normal circumstances, there was no way Hoseok could do it alone in these currently fucked up ones. Yet what had happened had been enough to make the poor boy curl up in bed all evening, not moving, not talking, not even responding to their questions. He just lay under the covers and let Taehyung sit on the edge of the bed beside him and he likely stayed that way all night to Yoongi's current knowledge because he had left to go into the other room to try and get some sleep.

Seokjin hadn't actually come up with the idea to stay in the other room during the night, rather it had been Jimin's suggestion. In fact the boy had declared that it was a really good idea and had practically persuaded their eldest friend into switching rooms with him. For Hoseok's sake of course. Yet Yoongi felt that there was something afoot about it all. Had Jimin not wanted to be around the boy whilst he had been in a bad state, already troubled with enough problems? Namjoon had said he thought the boy was carrying many secrets with him and he was starting to believe it too. Was he just trying to be helpful and came across as a little too eager? Did it have something to do with not wanting to be stuck with a drunken Taehyung after the cruel joke he had made about him yesterday morning? He could only imagine the kind of shit the boy said when wasted, for he had been around Taehyung to know that he was an angry drunk more often than a happy one. Their friend probably reminded him of his father and he wouldn't blame the boy for wanting to steer clear of him, but he was still uncertain about it all.

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