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The sound of a door slamming echoed through the room and it was loud enough to make him open his eyes widely. For a few seconds he stared at the white ceiling overhead and then he felt them wanting to close again and it took him a great effort to stop this from happening. He felt a little strange, not exactly awake nor asleep but rather trapped between both and he knew if it wasn't for his aching body he might just be able to fall unconscious and get a little peace but it wasn't going to happen right now. Jungkook let his eyelids reach half-mast and then he forced them to stay that way, not closing a fraction more. Who had just left the hostel room? Taehyung? He didn't know because he couldn't lift his head right now to check, everything was too sore to even imagine being able to do so.

Jungkook knew that he was lying on a bed because he could feel it underneath him, the covers against his fingertips and the mattress under his head. He was in the hostel room because his friend had dragged him back here of course, because there had been an accident. Yet he struggled to remember anything more than the sight of a road in front of him and then the most horrible jarring sensation. The impact hadn't hurt at first, rather it had just shocked him, but when he had come back down on the hood and slammed his ribs on the metal there had been a flare of pain as the air had escaped his lungs. Then the car had still been ploughing forward so the momentum had made him roll right over the roof until he had hit the tarmac, head bouncing off it so hard that his vision had went black for a few seconds. The pain had taken a moment to kick in, his brain in too much shock to register what had happened until Taehyung had rolled him over and started cursing hysterically.

He was pretty sure that he was missing quite a bit of skin on his face because there was a horrible stinging sensation on his chin and one of his cheeks; just like how scraped knees felt. If the grazes were bleeding he had no way of telling because he didn't want to move and try and touch them to find out. He didn't think he could lift his arm right now because his shoulders and ribs were hurting too much and he would just wait until someone else cleaned his face for him, like Jimin had after he had gotten into that fight of all of those nights back. He didn't think anything was broken but he had no way of telling. It didn't hurt when he breathed, which was good, but moving was enough to make his ribs throb in pain and that wasn't the most reassuring sign. Broken, maybe not. One of them could be fractured but that was something he would rather not think about right now. Fractured ribs required treatment, treatment required money, and there was nothing more than a handful of coins in his jeans pockets.

Jungkook stared up at the ceiling, which was blurred from his eyelashes getting in the way and distorting the view, and then something moved suddenly and he felt fingers on his brow; soft warm fingertips.

"Kookie?" Seokjin asked in a quiet voice.

"Hmmm?" he managed to reply, moving his tongue in his mouth to press it against the roof and make the sound rather than say an actual word.

"Stupid question I know, but what's hurting right now?" His friend's fingers moved along his brow slowly and he stuck his tongue out to wet his lips before attempting to speak.

"Ribs, and my shoulder." He asked him which one and he hesitated as he tried to figure out where the pain seemed to be radiating from. "Right shoulder."

"Do you think you can sit up?"

"...Maybe but I don't think I wanna." At this remark he heard the softest laugh, possibly from Hoseok, and then hands grabbing hold of him. He was dragged up into a sitting position and the pain was so sudden that he couldn't help a groan of pain coming out of his mouth. "Fuck, fuck, that hurts."

"Does it hurt to breathe?" Hoseok asked as he shifted on the bed. Jungkook made a noise to deny this and the boy sighed in relief. "Then we don't need to worry about punctured lungs at least, I think..."

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