Knock Knock Princess

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Jungkook fiddled with the back door lock for a moment before he felt the little piece of copper wire slip into the keyhole and start jimmying up and down. Jimin might have told him that a hair slide worked but this little piece of twisted metal was just as good for opening locks and he pressed his face forward so that it was against the cracked and peeling paint and listened to it making the tumblers inside shift up and lock into place. He did this often enough so that he knew exactly how to get the door open, the only trouble was that it took a steady hand and patience and he didn't have that right now. He wanted to get in and out without any trouble and that was making his hand move a little too much. That, and maybe the can of beer that he had drank at the trainyard. He felt his tongue sticking out of his lips in concentration, the tip curled up slightly to touch his upper one as he slowly fiddled with the lock and then he reached up with his other hand to grab the handle in anticipation. There was a crisp clicking sound as the lock lifted and he twisted the handle hard for the door to swing inwards. He managed to not stumble and land on his face on the kitchen floor and instead stepped inside to shove the piece of wire into his back pocket of his jeans.

"Home sweet home," he said under his breath as he scanned the interior of the kitchen. Counter free from clutter and low table clear with the cushions placed underneath it neatly. Jungkook sighed and then glanced at the clock hanging on the wall across the open-plan floor above the TV set. It was a little black cat with a swinging tail as a pendulum and it told him that it was 6:30am. He had wandered the streets on the way back from the trainyard to get back to the house and at least it had paid off: for both of his parents were out of the house on their ways to work right now. That meant that he had the house all to himself and he grinned as he crossed the floor to get to the stairs. He didn't even bother taking his boots off and instead tracked dirt up all of the wooden steps as he went up and went into his bedroom. The interior was clean because he assumed that his mother had gotten tired of nagging him to do it and had done it herself last night, and he stood in the doorway for a moment as he tried to locate everything.

He was going to have to get a shower and changed into something else, pack a bag to hit the streets with and also make some food before he left again. He could always sleep in his bed for a few hours but he didn't want to do that, so instead he went over to his dresser and got clean underwear out before going into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later he was brushing his teeth in front of the mirror mounted on the wall, damp hair brushed back off his brow and clothing tossed into the basket in the corner of the room along with the used towel. Jungkook patted his face dry and then hunkered down to open the drawers on the little cupboard that wrapped around the bottom of the sink. He saw toiletries and medication inside and he eyed them all for a moment before pulling a tube of toothpaste free that looked mostly full. His own was nothing more than the squeezed up ends of tube and he couldn't pack that away because it would run out within a few days. It was probably his father's but the man could always buy more, it was just toothpaste. Then he grabbed a packet of aspirin and hesitated before pulling the bottle of antiseptic free. He doubted that his friends would think enough to bring things like that, for none of them had been out on the streets for days on end except for him and Taehyung, so it was probably wise that he packed them just in case. There was always a chance Jimin would roll down a hill or two on the road so it was better safe than sorry.

Jungkook went back into his bedroom wearing nothing but his underwear and he started packing the bag first. His toiletries and medical shit went inside an inner compartment and he placed a towel in the bottom too. Then he started pulling out clothes and spreading them on his bed. He needed to pack a few tees but no trousers because he only needed a decent pair of jeans to last him a week. After spending a week on the streets a few months back he had learnt the lesson of packing heavily and uselessly, so it was only the bare basics for him. He slipped into his jeans and then pulled a plain grey tee over his head before eyeing up a hoodie. He might just need one, and it was a safe option. He didn't have to put it in the bag, for he could always knot it around his waist if it was too warm to wear. So he put that on too and then added the same boots from yesterday, sitting down on his bed to knot the laces securely. Then came the most important thing.

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