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Taehyung watched Jimin exiting the hostel room to go outside, presumably to go to the other room. The boy might have been planning on running to the store but he doubted it, for he knew his friend wouldn't do anything without some kind of permission from their older friends. Especially since the Jungkook incident it seemed that no one wanted to sneak out for a little fun anymore, and it made all of his attempts at leaving even harder. There was always someone there to ask questions, usually Hoseok who would give him a look as if he were his father as he raised his eyebrows. He didn't know whether he loved that look or hated it, for he noted that Hoseok reserved that expression solely for him and that was probably a bad thing. He hadn't even given the youngest boy the look after the brawling in the streets the other night, but Taehyung had managed to amass it several times already, usually whilst in the act of messing around with Jimin for some reason.

He couldn't believe that his friends had seen his actions yesterday as a form of bullying. Did they really think that he would be stupid enough to actually throw Jimin over the side of the bridge as a joke? Not that he could have anyway, for the boy kicked and wriggled quite a considerable amount and nearly freed himself even with Jungkook to help him. That wasn't the point of course, for if he said that it would most certainly not end in laughter, but it was the truth. He had just been playing around, nothing serious. But Hoseok had called it bullying and then Yoongi had jumped in and made it suddenly seem like a bad thing. Taehyung probably should have expected it, for the young man had an annoying habit of jumping in whenever Jimin was involved. He likely thought that he was helping but he just made it look like the boy needed a guardian, when he most certainly didn't; Jimin could fight back quite well on his own, he was scrappy and quick.

Taehyung turned his head to look across the room and he heard the sound of the door clicking shut, making Jungkook stir in his sleep as he did. It was probably a good idea to wake the other two up but he had to get cleaned up so he supposed he could do it after. But first he wanted to check something, something very important. He climbed out of the bed and hunkered down at the bottom of the other one. He picked up the younger boy's boots and stuck his hand inside to pull out the cash he had shoved in it. It didn't include coins, which were in his jeans pockets, but he didn't need an exact amount, an estimate would do. He flicked through them quickly and then put them back before reaching over to snag hold of Hoseok's jeans, which were on the floor in a crumpled heap. Another quick check of the pockets, adding the amount up with the other boy's. Then he checked his own boot and let out a heavy sigh.


That was all they had left right now, not including their friends' cash. Taehyung thumbed the notes and then shoved them back into his boot out of sight. He knew that he should have protested against Seokjin buying all of that food the other day, against the recently lavish spending on hot food over instant shit that he could steal for free. Combined with hostel costs and the gas that Namjoon had bought for the broken car, they had blown through their cash and were starting to get dangerously low. With all of the cash added together they could afford another night or two in a hostel but he didn't want them to waste another won if possible. Sure, it might not have been that hard to get the cash in the first place but Taehyung had thought them very lucky to have gotten that amount. It had required luck and hard work and he didn't think that his friends had that in them now. They were tired of everything: the roads, the empty stomachs, the adventure, and if he told them that they needed to spend another day washing dishes and scrubbing park benches then they would probably beat the shit out of him. That meant that he was going to have to make some cash on his own without them knowing, whether it be from lifting and selling or something else entirely.

"Hmmm, what time is it?" Jungkook asked, eyes just visible over the tops of the covers as he squinted at him, dark hair fanned out messily on the pillow.

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