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Yoongi awoke with such a violent start that he barely managed to clamp his hands over his mouth and stop a scream from escaping. His heart was racing in his chest so fast that it seemed to pulse through his body, throbbing waves moving along his veins and making him shake like a leaf in the wind; perhaps more of a storm considering the intensity. After several deep breaths he managed to remove his hands and so he reached up with one to press his wrist against his forehead. Skin clammy and sweat beading on his hairline, so very much unlike what he had been expecting to feel. He wiped it away roughly and dropped his shaking hands to his lap whilst he carried on taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down.

"You OK?" The voice caught him off guard and he twisted his head sharply to see Namjoon seated just a few feet away, legs folded up in front of him and elbows resting on them. There was concern on his face and he knew why. His friend was probably looking at him and seeing that he was ghostly pale, sweating and shaking, and the sight would be enough to cause most people to ask him how he felt. As it was he currently felt like shit, but he wasn't going to say that to him.

"Nuh-nightmare," he managed to reply, not liking how dry his mouth felt. "I had a nightmare."

"I'm not surprised, Jimin and Hoseok did say this place gave them the creeps..."

Yoongi tore his eyes away from his friend to glance around and that was when he remembered where they were. They were in the abandoned subway line of course, the one Jimin had accidentally stumbled upon in his quest to find a gas station, the one they had all agreed to spend the night in because they had had no choice. He had relished the idea of finally being able to stop walking for a few hours and the darkness hadn't bothered him in the slightest, nor the coldness of the concrete walls and floors that seemed vaguely reminiscent of a mausoleum of sorts. He had spent the first few hours awake like always, smoking and hating everything because he had been restless and grumpy, but he hadn't been alone for once. No, he had been sitting watch with Seokjin, who had wanted to keep an eye on them and save any more trouble, and Jimin, who had wanted to talk because his own troubles had kept him awake too.

He looked across the sleeping figures of his friends to see Seokjin lying nestled between Jungkook and Hoseok, wisely using the space to keep warm and feel more secure. Though he could only see the back of his head he looked to be asleep. He couldn't believe that the other man had tossed his essay into that oil drum last night like it was trash and admitted to ditching college all for the sake of this stupid adventure. Had Yoongi had known then he would have demanded that he blow it off, that he just stay in college instead and not risk pissing his professor off and getting kicked off the enrollment, but he hadn't known and now it was a bit too late for such conversations. Why had he done that? He wasn't sure at all. He thought that there was a chance his friend was a little tired of his course but every college student must feel that at some point. That wasn't a good enough reason at all to risk getting kicked out, and he knew that Seokjin was very much the type to keep his head down and get on with something rather than quit. He prescribed to the belief that effort bred results, much like how Namjoon liked to preach the power of positivity, and it certainly was not in his nature to just act so carelessly.

And then there was Jimin...

Yoongi knew that at least one of the boys must have pissed their parents off in the act of leaving for this break, and he had always assumed it to be Jungkook rather than the other boy; purely on the basis that the youngest liked to cause trouble the most, as the bruises and split lip proved. As a rule Jimin tended to avoid trouble because it always ended up backfiring on him, and even if he didn't start it he would be the one to suffer as a result. Jimin, who nearly ended up in hospital for stitches after Jungkook and Taehyung had decided to make some stupid blood oath and had sliced into his thumb with a kitchen knife deep enough to cut to the bone; who took the blame for nearly everything the two youngest did in the aims of getting them to stop teasing him yet to no avail; who couldn't even please his own father and ended up getting hit over the most trivial of things.

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