Chpt# 22 Chrysanthemums

Start from the beginning

"Haha, three years has passed and you already have forgotten me? That hurts," he laughed as he washed his hands in a clean bowl.

"You looked familiar," I answered in embarrassment.

"I taught you how to use and gave insight on medicine just for survival, and I was your first doctor in the gang," he explained.

I curled my lips in thought and then crossed my arms to remember. When I finally remembered I gave him a stare and swiftly covered my heated cheeks.

"Your doctor Matthew," I pointed out.

I knew someone taught me a bit about medicine aside from my brother , but he looked more different than I remembered.

Matthew just smiled as a reply.

"You have grown a lot, are you taking care of yourself properly?" he patted my head.

"Except your height of course," he smiled.

"I get it, I didn't reach your height like what I bet years ago..." with embarrassment I removed his hand  and looked away.

He looked two feet taller than me. And I remembered I had a crush on him when I was younger, or it might have been just admiration...I don't know until now. Further more, I'm sure he's in his 30s already.

"By the way, Ash is only in the room next door, he kept asking for you. But I didn't know where you were," Matthew exclaimed when he suddenly remembered.

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